Pro Bono

Trainings and Registration

Attending a training is the first step to becoming involved with the ILCM Pro Bono Project

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  • ILCM Pro Bono Project’s TPS Pro Bono Training CLE

    Thursday, January 23, 2025
    1 PM - 2 PM
    This is an online event!

    This CLE will focus specifically on TPS applications. The Department of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately, such as when there is ongoing armed conflict or a natural disaster. Attorneys will be trained on how to advise TPS clients regarding the potential risks and benefits of filing, as well as how to assist with the filing itself. Volunteers need an active attorney license, as well as a phone number and mailing address that can be used for case work.

    TPS cases generally take a new volunteer approximately 5-7 hours to complete, although the workload can vary by case. Attorneys have the option to either access the CLE for free with the commitment of taking a TPS case pro bono through ILCM, or alternatively they may pay a small fee for the training and not take a case through our office. This could benefit attorneys who are interested in the subject matter but cannot commit to taking a case at this time. After the training, ILCM will place pre-screened TPS clients with attendees for full pro bono representation.

    Attorneys who are able to commit to representing an ILCM TPS client (or pay the small fee) can register at the link below to attend the CLE. We are applying for 1.00 CLE credits for the training. This training is open to all interested attorneys; no immigration experience or second-language fluency is needed, and ILCM can provide malpractice insurance to volunteers if needed.