News > Immigration In The United States

Action Alert: Oppose New Barriers to Citizenship!

Posted on Nov 30 2020

The Trump administration announced a new version of the citizenship test that is longer and more difficult than the previous version. Some of the new questions would require a higher level of English comprehension and some have been changed in a political way. The number of study questions has increased from 100 to 128. The number of questions asked of each applicant has increased from 10 to 20. Each applicant will have to answer 12 of the 20 questions correctly to pass. The new changes were made largely in secret and with no justification for why the changes are needed.

You can comment to oppose this new test. Click here for an easy way to comment.

USCIS will require the new test for everyone who files for naturalization after December 1, 2020. That rushes the new test in before the change of administrations. The quick start also gives organizations that provide citizenship test preparation very little time to update resources.

The new test makes citizenship harder, and will disqualify people will less education.

You can comment to ask for a delay for more public input. You can comment to ask that the new test wait for a decision by the new administration. Click here for an easy way to comment.

If this new test goes into effect, it could be in place for a decade or more. It will affect millions of people seeking to become citizens. The barriers this new test will put in place and the overall implications on access to citizenship are massive. The Trump administration’s plan to make citizenship harder to achieve is clear.

If you reject plans that would bar citizenship for all but the elite, click to comment today!