News > Immigration In The United States

Call to Stop Cameroonian Deportations!

Posted on Nov 09 2020

Over 100 Cameroonians have been deported over the past couple of weeks. They were immediately taken into custody by Cameroonian security forces and many have not been heard from since. Before the first wave of deportation, the Cameroon American Council (CAC) + partners filed a complaint on behalf of eight Cameroonians who had been detained at Adams County Correctional Center in LA, and who had been forcibly made to sign deportation papers. This complaint led to two of the Cameroonians being taken off the deportation flight. Now, ICE plans to deport these two Cameroonian migrants, and others, on Tuesday, November 10.

Call your Senators. Call your Congressional Representative. Demand a stop to deportations of Cameroonians and a grant of Temporary Protected Status to Cameroonians in the United States.

The situation in Cameroon is grave: human rights abuses have been documented repeatedly and consistently:

  •  The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations announced a resolution in September of this year condemning the violence and grave human rights abuses by Cameroonian security forces, including suppression of free speech, detainment of government critics, torture, sexual violence, extrajudicial killings, and the burning of entire villages.
  • The Department of State 2019 Country Report on Human Rights Practices for Cameroon cited ‘‘significant’’ human rights abuses by security forces and separatist armed groups in Cameroon, including unlawful or arbitrary killings, forced disappearances, torture, arbitrary detention, repression of fundamental rights, and violence against women and children;
  • Government security forces and allied militia massacred at least 23 people, including 15 children and 2 pregnant women on February 14, 2020, in Ngarbuh, Donga Mantung division, in the Northwest region.

Call your Senators. Call your Congressional Representative. Demand a stop to deportations of Cameroonians and a grant of Temporary Protected Status to Cameroonians in the United States.