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Driver’s Licenses for All: Passes Minnesota Senate!

Posted on Feb 22 2023
February 22, 2023 – By a vote of 34-31, the Minnesota Senate passed Driver’s Licenses for All (HF 4) early this morning!
This victory is thanks to the efforts of grassroots immigrant organizations, labor unions and nonprofits, business and law enforcement groups, and elected officials across Minnesota. During the debate, supporters highlighted the diverse interests in favor of this bill, including the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association and Minnesota Police Chiefs Association, major labor organizations, and numerous immigrant-led organizations.
In 2003, then-Governor Tim Pawlenty unilaterally changed the administrative rules and barred the state from issuing driver’s licenses to immigrants who are undocumented and who have temporary status. For the past 20 years, impacted community members and a diverse coalition have worked to restore driver’s licenses for all Minnesotans regardless of immigration status.
“This is a major victory for all Minnesotans– especially those impacted who have been fighting and engaging others since day one,” said ILCM Executive Director Veena Iyer. “We are on the cusp of a restoring Driver’s Licenses for All, which will ensure that all Minnesotans once again can travel to work and school without fear.”
The bill, which is slightly different from the one passed by the House, must have the Minnesota House’s final approval before it can be signed into law by Governor Walz and driver’s licenses for all Minnesotans can be restored. A House vote is expected shortly, and the Governor has said he will sign the bill.