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Freedom to Drive Coalition Statement Following Passage of HF1500 in the Minnesota House

Posted on Apr 12 2019

SAINT PAUL — Following the Minnesota House passing HF1500, the driver’s license for all bill, the Freedom to Drive coalition released the following statement:

“We are excited that the Minnesota House has heard the voices of Minnesota families. This unprecedented moment was only possible because of the thousands of Minnesotan families who have been fighting for over a decade to make this happen. We know that driver’s licenses for all means safer families and more prosperous communities. Issuing licenses to undocumented immigrant families is a major step toward recognizing the full dignity of all Minnesotans. We look forward to working with the Senate and Governor Walz and getting this law passed this legislative session.”

BACKGROUND: In 2003, then-Governor, Tim Pawlenty changed the rules and barred the state from issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants. For the past ten years, impacted community members and advocates have worked to restore driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. This year’s effort is backed by a coalition of non-profit organizations, unions, immigrants’ rights advocates, community-based groups and collectives, faith-based organizations, workers’ rights advocates and businesses led by the Multiracial Coalition on Immigration.



Full List of Freedom To Drive Coalition Members

Accountability in Action (St Cloud)


Advocates for Human Rights

Asamblea de Derechos Civiles

Asian American Organizing Project

Black Immigrant Collective



City of Mpls, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs

City of St Paul Mayor Carter’s office

Club Cuernavaca



De Leon & Nestor, LLC

Education Minnesota

Hunddle for Action, Annandale (St Cloud)

Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM)

Immigrant Movement for Justice

Indigenous Roots


Interfaith Coalition on Immigration (ICOM)


Jewish Community Action

Kalpulli Elohuayotl Mitotiani

Kalpulli KetzalCoatlicue

Kalpulli Yaocenoxtli





Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation

Minnesota Budget Project

Minnesota Nurses Association



MN Council on Latino Affairs

Morena Minnesota

NAPAWF (St Cloud)

Navigate Mn/ Unidos MN


Peace Unite Church of Christ (St Cloud)

Proyecto Latino

Release Mn 8

Rice County Neighbors United

SEIU- local 26

SEIU- State Council

Sembrando Poder

Social Concerns, Caridades Catolicas (St Cloud)

Unite Here! Local 17

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) 663

University of Minnesota Legal Clinic

Vecinos Sur del Rio

Vecinos Unidos Rochester

Voices for Racial Justice

Women’s March Minnesota