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ILCM Helps Client to Stay with His Wife and Children in the U.S.

Posted on Dec 18 2014

Elizabeth Flores/ Star Tribune

Our client, Mr. Jacobo Gabriel Tomas, learned at a check-in with ICE only six days before Christmas that he, his wife and his young U.S. citizen children will remain together for Christmas this year and longer!

After fleeing the violence of El Salvador and journeying to the U.S. at age 16, and after 22 years of working and forming a family in the U.S, Jacobo faced imminent deportation before President Obama announced an expansion of the use of deferred action on November 20th. Jacobo’s case was featured on the front page of the Star Tribune, and has come to illustrate the long-overdue need for just and humane changes to our immigration system for millions of people. In a wonderful turn of events apt for the season, on December 19th, Immigration officers agreed with us that Jacobo is not a priority for deportation, and he was granted time to apply for deferred action for parents of U.S. citizens (DAPA).

We are thankful for the crucial support through Familias Juntas, hundreds of on-line signatures, letters in support from faith leaders and employers, as well as advocacy by Senator Franken and Representative Walz. Jacobo said he didn’t allow himself to make plans for Christmas with his family until after his check-in, but now his plans include not only being together for the holidays but also acquiring legal status and protection from deportation in 2015. ILCM thanks all of our supporters for your trust, which is crucial to help us deliver life-changing representation like we did for Jacobo and his wife and children.