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ILCM Improves Clients’ Access to Healthcare

Posted on Nov 03 2016


ILCM is proud to announce our new on-site MNsure Navigator Tammy Villegas. Tammy has received specialized training from Health Access MN, which will help her to connect our uninsured clients with health insurance.

Tammy’s new role is part of ILCM’s ongoing partnership with Health Access MN. Health Access MN works to provide outreach and enrollment assistance to immigrants and other disproportionately uninsured groups.

MNsure Navigators are familiar with the inner workings of healthcare coverage. They work on-site at nonprofits and community centers where they can help clients access MNsure logoaffordable healthcare plans like MinnesotaCare. This additional skillset enhances the safety net Tammy provides to clients in her additional, critical role as ILCM’s Intake Specialist.