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Make no mistake, the work has just begun.

Posted on Apr 21 2021

As you’ve likely heard, Derek Chauvin was found guilty of all charges in the murder of George Floyd. We are relieved by this news, but we know that the work is not over. Chauvin was held accountable, something that is rare but insufficient. We can’t just bring folks to justice when they violate the human rights of others; we must create a just society for everyone where human rights are respected.

The same day Chauvin was found guilty, Ma’Khia Bryant, a 16-year-old girl, was fatally shot by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. She now joins Adam Toledo, Daunte Wright, and all the other youth who were unjustly killed by the police. Chauvin’s trial and verdict is just a drop in the bucket. Make no mistake, the work has just begun.