News > Immigration In Minnesota

Naturalization Ceremony in Rochester: We Welcome 48 New Citizens!

Posted on Oct 29 2018

Library helps welcome 48 new citizens

On Monday, former citizens of 20 countries pledged their allegiance to the United States.

“It’s a pledge U.S. District Court Judge Steven Rau said is a two-way street. Citing the benefits of citizenship, Rau said responsibilities also exist.

‘Now that you are citizens, assume the responsibilities and don’t only consume the benefits,’ he told the group.

One of the responsibilities Rau mentioned was also seen as a benefit by the new citizens

‘For the first time in my life, I will vote,’ said Michael Khaw Gei, who said he wasn’t allowed to vote when he lived in Burma.”

More Than 50 People Sworn in as Naturalized Citizens

“I’m so excited. This has been my dream and I’m finally naturalized, so today is like the best day of my life,” said new citizen Elizabeth Mokua of Rochester.

Nearly 50 People Become US Citizens

Photos: Naturalization ceremony at the Rochester Public Library