Protecting Undocumented Essential Workers 

An estimated five million undocumented immigrants, including 202, 5000 DACA recipients and 131, 000 TPS holders, are on the frontlines of the #COVID19 pandemic, serving in jobs deemed “essential” to the proper functioning of the nation and our economy. They need and they deserve a pathway to citizenship.  

Almost 3 out of 4 undocumented workers in the United States were designated essential during the pandemic – they are farmworkers, meatpackers, nurses, first responders, domestic workers, janitors, construction workers, grocery store clerks, teachers, home health aides, and so much more. They did not have the option of working from home. They put their lives, and their families lives, on the line for us. Now we need to protect them, with a path to U.S. citizenship.  

On February 25, Rep. Joaquin Castro will introduce a new standalone bill, the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act, designed to do just that. This bill includes provisions that:  

  • Create a fast, secure, and accessible process for Essential Workers to apply for adjusted status.   
  • Provide immediate protection against deportation for applicants.  
  • Include workers who lost their work in essential fields due to COVID-19, as well as relatives of essential workers who died from COVID-19. 

100 current Members of Congress, led by Rep. Raul Ruiz, M.D. (CA-36), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Yarmouth, Chairman of the Committee on Budget, requesting that a pathway to citizenship for essential immigrant workers and their families, Dreamers, and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders is included in the COVID-19 reconciliation recovery package. The language in Rep. Castro’s Citizenship for Essential Workers Act could ultimately be used as part of the second COVID-19 recovery package. 

Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector: Frequently Asked Questions

Information from the Minnesota Department of Health on 2.18.2021.

Who can sign up for the Vaccine Connector? Do I need to be eligible for a vaccine to sign up?

All Minnesotans who have not yet been vaccinated should sign up, no matter their current eligibility status.

Should I sign up if I have already been vaccinated?

No. Only Minnesotans who have not been vaccinated should sign up for the Vaccine Connector.

Is there an age requirement to sign up for the Vaccine Connector?

All Minnesota adults aged 18 and over are encouraged to sign up for the Vaccine Connector.

I don’t have an email or access to the Internet. How will I receive updates about when I’m eligible and get opportunities to be vaccinated?

If you do not have email or access to the Internet, you will be contacted by phone.

Can I sign up a family member for the Vaccine Connector if they don’t have email or Internet access?

Yes. You can help a family member sign up online, or you can call the Community Vaccination Program Hotline at 833-431-2053. The person being signed up will need to be present if you choose to sign up by phone.

What information do you have to provide to sign up? Is there a cost?

In order to sign up, you’ll need to provide your contact information, demographic data (like race, gender, age, and ethnicity), a few details about your medical history and your employment. The Vaccine Connector is available at no cost.

Do I only have a limited period of time to sign up for the Vaccine Connector?

No. You can sign up for the Vaccine Connector at any time.

If I signed up for the pre-registration list for the Community Vaccination Program, should I sign up for the Vaccine Connector as well?

No. If you registered through either the COVID-19 Vaccine Pilot Program or the COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program, you do not need to re-submit your information.

I’m an educator or child care provider and I was told I would hear from my employer about getting vaccinated. Should I sign up for the Vaccine Connector?

Yes. All Minnesotans who have not yet been vaccinated should sign up to ensure they stay updated on vaccination opportunities in their area when they become available — including educators and child care providers.

If you already completed the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine – Education and Child Care survey, you do not need to complete the Vaccine Connector form or re-submit your information. Educators, school staff, and child care workers will continue to hear from their local public health agency, employer, state-sponsored community vaccination site, or state vaccination partner about when and where they can get vaccinated.

I’m a health care worker and still have not been vaccinated. Should I sign up for the Vaccine Connector?

Yes. All Minnesotans who have not yet been vaccinated should sign up.

If I sign up for the Vaccine Connector, am I required to get vaccinated through the options sent to me?

No. If you are eligible to get vaccinated, you do not have to wait for information from the Vaccine Connector before you get your shot. If your health care provider or employer contacts you about making an appointment, or if you have another opportunity to get vaccinated, you can and should do that.

What can I expect after I sign up for the Vaccine Connector? What will happen?

You will receive an email confirmation that you have successfully signed up for the Vaccine Connector. As more vaccine becomes available, the Vaccine Connector will send you updates about your COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and opportunities to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota.

When should I expect to hear more about my vaccine eligibility?

Minnesota is currently vaccinating health care personnel and long-term care residents, as well as adults 65 years of age and older and pre-kindergarten through grade 12 educators, school staff, and child care workers.

More information about who will be included in the next phases of vaccination will be available in the coming weeks. See COVID-19 Vaccine Phases and Planning and Who’s Getting Vaccinated for more details. As vaccine supply increases in the weeks and months ahead, you will be updated about your eligibility.

Now that I am signed up for the Vaccine Connector, am I eligible to be randomly selected for an appointment through the Community Vaccination Program?

If you are 65 or older, yes. Minnesotans age 65+ who sign up for the Vaccine Connector will be automatically included in the selection process for appointments at state-run community vaccination sites. Visit the Community Vaccination Program page to learn more.

Will the Vaccine Connector schedule an appointment for me? Or should I continue to contact health care providers and pharmacies for vaccine availability?

At this time, the Vaccine Connector cannot be used to schedule appointments directly with providers or pharmacies. You should continue to contact those providers to check for vaccine availability. Use the Vaccine Locator map to find a vaccine provider near you.

When the Vaccine Connector notifies me that I am eligible to get a shot, how will I make an appointment?

Details about how to make an appointment will vary depending on the category of eligibility and vaccine supply. Specific instructions for how to make an appointment will be included with your notification from the Vaccine Connector.

Should I still be contacting my private health care provider and local pharmacy to get a vaccine?

Yes. If you are eligible under state guidelines to get a vaccine, you should continue contacting providers to check for vaccine availability. Use the Vaccine Locator Map to find a vaccine provider near you.

Does signing up for the Vaccine Connector guarantee me an appointment?

No. The Vaccine Connector will tell you when you’re eligible, but appointments are not guaranteed. There continues to be a very limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota. We encourage Minnesotans to remain patient as more vaccine arrives in the weeks and months ahead.

Why are you asking about my job and medical history in the Vaccine Connector sign-up form?

In some cases, an individual’s job or medical history may determine their eligibility status in future phases of vaccine distribution. Answers to questions about your job and medical history may be used to inform you of COVID-19 vaccination updates or opportunities that are relevant to you, and to identify when you are eligible to get your vaccine.

Why are you asking about my race, gender identity and sexual orientation in the Vaccine Connector sign-up form?

The State of Minnesota is committed to the equitable distribution of safe and effective vaccines for protection against COVID-19. Questions about race, gender identity and sexual orientation will help us track and measure our goals for equity and fairness. These questions have the option to select “prefer not to answer” or “none of the above,” and selecting these answers will not prevent you from signing up for the Vaccine Connector.

The information we are asking you to provide about yourself is private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13. It will be used to notify you about COVID-19 vaccination updates or opportunities that are relevant to you.

Who will have access to my data?

The information you will provide is private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13. State agencies involved in vaccine planning, scheduling, and administration will have access to your information only for those purposes. Others who may have access to your information are local public health agencies, health care providers, and other persons or entities involved in COVID-19 vaccine planning, scheduling, or administration, as well as persons or entities authorized by law. The federal government will never receive individually identifiable information from the Vaccine Connector.

How do I know my data is secure?

Data submitted through the Vaccine Connector portal is well protected by MNIT’s core security protections and security monitoring program. The Vaccine Connector is part of MNIT’s enterprise government cloud environment that provides secure and reliable services to citizens and state agencies every day. This environment is designed to meet the unique and evolving compliance and security requirements from the US government and meets FedRAMP high compliance requirements.

Future versions of the Vaccine Connector will also integrate with the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC), a statewide immunization information system that stores electronic immunization records. MIIC is accessible only by authorized users. The data in MIIC are classified as private and protected by the Minnesota Immunization Data Sharing Law, Minnesota Statutes, Section 144.3351. Organizations participating in MIIC must sign a user agreement that outlines the privacy and security terms for authorized users. Visit Data Privacy and MIIC Records to learn more.

Will the Vaccine Connector be integrated with the state’s immunization database for providers?

Yes. The Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC) will connect to the Vaccine Connector and the two systems will share information in the future.

How do I unsubscribe from Vaccine Connector updates?

Contact our Community Vaccination Program Hotline at 833-431-2053.


Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector: Key Message

Press Release from Minnesota Governor’s Office

Instructional Flier on MN Vaccine Connector

Social Guidance Flier on MN Vaccine Connector

Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector: Key Message

Information from the Minnesota Department of Health on 2.18.2021.


  • The Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector is a tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine.
  • When Minnesotans become eligible, the Vaccine Connector will:
    • alert them of their eligibility;
    • connect them to resources to schedule a vaccine appointment; and
    • notify them if there are vaccine opportunities in their area.
  • As Minnesotans become eligible for the vaccine, they will still make appointments directly through a registered vaccinator at this time. But the Connector is an easy way for Minnesotans to stay updated about their eligibility and find opportunities to get a shot once it’s their turn.
  • Minnesotans age 65+ who sign up with the Vaccine Connector will also be automatically included in the selection process for appointments at state-run community vaccination sites.
  • This tool is an important step toward connecting all Minnesotans with the vaccine, but unfortunately vaccine supply remains extraordinarily limited. The supply from the federal government simply does not come close to meeting the demand in Minnesota.
  • The Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector helps Minnesotans know where vaccine is in the state, find out when they are eligible to get it, and connect them to a vaccine opportunity near them — no matter where they live or their personal circumstances and will improve our ability to reach communities of color.
  • We’ve developed a reliable and stable network of different ways Minnesotans can get vaccinated. We’ve mobilized health care systems, local pharmacies, federally qualified health centers, local hospitals, local public health, and state-run community vaccination sites to meet Minnesotans where they are and make sure everyone will have somewhere to go when it’s their turn and we get enough doses from the federal government.
  • The Vaccine Connector will connect Minnesotans to that network once it’s their turn for a shot.


  • Signing up for the Vaccine Connector is easy, safe, and secure.
  • All Minnesotans 18 years of age and older should sign up, no matter their current vaccine eligibility status.
  • There will be no cost and no restricted time period for signing up.
  • Health insurance and personal identification forms are not required for signing up.
  • Go to gov/vaccineconnector to sign up.
  • Minnesotans unable to sign up online can have family or friends help them sign up online, or call 833-431-2053 for assistance signing up over the phone.
  • Translation is available by phone in all languages. Minnesotans can call the translation hotlines at 833-431-2053 and 651-318-0989 for assistance signing up over the phone.
  • All Minnesotans have to do to sign up is provide basic information such as contact information, demographic data, medical history, and employment to determine their eligibility based on state guidelines.
  • The State of Minnesota is committed to the equitable distribution of safe and effective vaccines for protection against COVID-19 and the Vaccine Connector form has included questions about gender identity, sexual orientation, race, cultural identification, and disabilities to help us track and measure equity and fairness throughout the vaccine distribution process. These questions do have the option to select “prefer not to answer” or “none of the above,” and selecting these answers will not prevent you from signing up for the Vaccine Connector.

Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector Frequently Asked Questions

Press Release from Minnesota Governor’s Office

Instructional Flier on MN Vaccine Connector

Social Guidance Flier on MN Vaccine Connector


ILCM joined 80 organizations across the country in a letter to President Biden asking for protection for immigrant rights organizers, leaders, and journalists, who were targeted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Trump administration.

“From surveilling protests against family separation, arresting and deploying drones on Black Lives Matter and uprising protesters, to deporting immigrant activists who speak out about ICE abuse, DHS has weaponized immigration enforcement to punish those who speak out against injustice. This is not an isolated problem, but part of a broader history of government suppression of social movements and dissent through incarceration, deportation, and mass surveillance.

“The survival of our social movements and the right to organize is at stake. Immigrant organizers and leaders have been at the forefront of various movements for human rights, labor rights, police accountability, environmental justice, and need protection from retaliation.”


URGENT: Tell Senators Vote NO on the Young Amendment Denying COVID Relief to Mixed-Status Families

The Young Amendment threatens to deny the latest round of COVID relief payments to U.S. citizen spouses and children and legal permanent residents simply because they live in households that include people who file taxes with Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs.)

Call your Senators NOW and tell them to vote NO on the Young Amendment. The vote is expected on Thursday afternoon, February 4.

NONE of the stimulus payments enacted so far have included undocumented immigrants and NEITHER does the Biden plan.

The CARES Act unfairly included a “marriage penalty” and “family penalty” by excluding mixed-status immigrant families (families that include noncitizens) and immigrant workers who pay taxes from COVID-19 relief.  H.R. 133 fixed the exclusion for some mixed-status families in the second round of economic payments and provided a retroactive fix for the CARES Act exclusion, but 2.2 million US citizen children and lawfully present immigrants are STILL left out, as well as millions of workers and taxpayers who file taxes with ITINs. The Young Amendment wants to put these unfair penalties in the current COVID relief bill.

Over FIVE MILLION U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents live in mixed-status families that were denied relief under the CARES Act and would be denied again by the Young Amendment.  One in four children in the United States has at least one immigrant parent.  There is no way to deny payments to mixed-status families without harming U.S. citizens.

Even worse, this amendment also threatens to take away other tax credits such as the Child Tax Credit (CTC) from U.S. citizens and other lawfully present taxpayers. The Young Amendment would deny the credits to taxpayers with Social Security Numbers because their households include ITIN filers. The CTC already includes a Social Security Number requirement, but this amendment would punish U.S. citizen children simply for having immigrant family members.

Excluding families that include immigrants from COVID relief harms families, hurts our ability to stop the spread of COVID, and holds back our economic recovery.

Call your Senators NOW and tell them to vote NO on the Young Amendment. The vote is expected on Thursday afternoon, February 4.