A Traditional Karen Dress, a Pair of High heels, a Pandemic, and an Office Telephone Tree: Shall Ber’s Last Ordeal on the Road to Citizenship

“I was not worried, because deep in my heart I knew I would become a U.S. citizen on that day.”   

Backstory: “You couldn’t go anywhere” 

On an April day in 2009, an airliner carrying 18-year-old Shall Ber and her older sister, Sine Nay Win, touched down at an east coast airport. The city was either Washington, D.C. or New York; Shall says she was too exhausted to pay attention. The two young women had never before traveled beyond their home in the rugged country along the Burma-Thailand border. Now they were half-way around the world. They had left the Bangkok airport days earlier, had taken several shorter flights with long waits in airports, and now at last they were entering the United States as refugees.  

For as long as Shall could remember, she had lived in a Thai refugee camp. Before that, her Karen family had been farmers in the jungles of southeast Burma, where the Karen people had lived for centuries. But Shall’s family had been driven from that area by civil war and by the Burmese soldiers who raided Karen villages. Burma’s military government wanted the Karen people out of the country. When the attacks became too vicious and frequent, Shall’s father, a widower, had fled across the border into Thailand with his son and three young daughters. There, with the support of the Thai government, refugee camps had been established by the United Nations and other international organizations to accommodate ethnic minorities driven out of Burma.  

The Tham Hin refugee camp in Thailand near the border with Burma, 2013.  [Sourced from Karen News website article dated August 2013: http://karennews.org/2013/08/tragedy-strikes-refugee-women/  Web site © Copyright 2020, KAREN NEWS All Rights Reserved Accessed 7/19/20, 12/9/2020]
Shall’s childhood memories are mostly of life in a camp called Tham Hin in the mountains about a three-hour drive from Bangkok. The camp stretches up a steep ravine beside a river. People who lived close to the river were lucky, Shall says, because they did not have to sign up for daily appointments to get water at the public spigot. She remembers carrying water for her family, but mainly, as a child in the camp, Shall remembers wanting to go somewhere else.  

Officially, the camps were not prisons, but refugees were not given official papers to travel outside. “All you could do after school is you go home, you sleep, you wake up, and you go to school,” Shall recalls “You can’t go anywhere. You want to go to the city, but you can’t go outside the camp because you don’t know people who know how to drive, so I just stay in the camp and study, study, study.” For entertainment, there was a movie theater in the camp; “like a big TV in a bamboo shed,” Shall says, “with tables and chairs to sit. You had to pay, but you could watch movies and programs with your friends.” She says the best part of growing up in camp was “to study and visit people and have friends like kids like to have friends.” The worst problem back then was that “you couldn’t go anywhere.” 

Shall (standing center with hair on shoulder) poses with her 6th grade class at Tham Hin camp.

The camps were intended as temporary shelters for refugees awaiting resettlement someplace else, but due to politics or global crises, many people lived in the camp for years or even decades before it was possible to leave. Many still remain today.

Refugees in Shall’s camp received basic food and clothing from the United Nations and other organizations, but there were still unmet needs. The rice and fish paste provided in camp were good, but they were even better when supplemented with other foods. Like many men, Shall’s father kept a small garden, where he grew bananas and papaya as he had done in Burma, but that was still not enough.  

The small economy in camp provided little employment, so men like her father would sometimes sneak away to cut bamboo for landowners in the jungle or to work on Thai fishing boats. They would return after a few weeks with a little cash and some choice items of food and clothing for their families. Shall’s oldest sister, who knew people who knew how to drive, would sometimes go to Bangkok, where she would buy cool or useful items at the open-air markets and bring them back to sell in a little shop she ran in the camp. These unauthorized trips were a way of making camp life better for the family—and also of dealing with confinement.  

A street in Tham Hin camp, 2010. [Sourced from “Plan Asia” site on flickr.com: https://www.flickr.com/photos/planasia/6464283831/in/photostream/ Accessed 7/19/2020, 12/9/2020]
In 2009, with close to 100,000 refugees having lived in Thai camps for many years, the United Nations, the Thai government, and some Western countries began a special program to resettle Karen people elsewhere. Shall and Sine were more than ready to go. Her father, brother, and oldest sister decided to remain for a while, but Shall felt no hesitation: “I wanted more freedom, more education, and more opportunities in life,” she says.  

When their plane landed in the United States, Shall remembers that a Karen representative from their sponsorship organization met them at the airport. Exhausted by days of travel, she and Sine wanted only to sleep. After Thailand’s steamy tropical heat, April on the East Coast felt frigid. Even in their exhaustion, Shall and her sister were grateful when they were taken to pick up warm clothes, some groceries, and a few housewares from their sponsoring organization.  

Soon afterwards, the organization helped Shall and Sine reach Syracuse, NY, where a community of Karen refugees was already established.  The sisters were shown to a small, one-bedroom apartment they would share while being introduced to life in the United States.  

Shall says the apartment was an instant delight for several reasons. First, unlike the rustic, communal facilities in Tham Hin camp, the apartment had a full American-style bathroom. She remembered being on the airplane and needing a restroom. The restrooms had been explained before boarding, but she was shy to think that people would watch her walking down the long aisle towards the green light, and she wasn’t sure she would know how to use the equipment once she got there. So she waited—and waited some more, and then more still. It was very uncomfortable, she says.  

Finally, she made the long walk and found her way into the tiny room. Afterwards, the door she had found partly open on the way in did not seem to open to let her out. There seemed to be no knob or handle or place to push. Feeling both silly and anxious, she fumbled with it for a long time and then began knocking. Finally, she says, someone opened the door from the outside, as she had done on her way in. With that memory not far behind her, Shall gazed with appreciation at the Syracuse apartment’s spacious bathroom with the door that opened and closed so easily. “I was very young at 18,” Shall says now.  

Another delight in the apartment was that each person had her own soft bed. “In the camp,” she says, “you had to sleep on the bamboo.” Living quarters were small, crowded, and built only a few feet apart, often with thin walls of vertical bamboo sticks, and with more bamboo sticks stretched horizontally across a frame inside to make a bed for several family members. To “sleep on the bamboo” with others was not a terrible hardship, Shall says, but it was not really comfortable “unless you were very tired.” To Shall and Sine, finally at the end of their long journey, it felt strange and luxurious to sink into soft, individual beds in the privacy of an apartment for only two people.

In Syracuse, the sisters eventually became more accustomed to life In the United States. One of the biggest challenges to new refugees, especially adults, is the language barrier. Not speaking the local language can cause isolation, low self-esteem, and even depression, as well as creating practical problems in everyday life. Like other new arrivals, Shall and her sister took courses in English as a second language. With help from the Karen Organization in Syracuse, they applied for green cards and prepared to enter the labor force.  

While visiting in a neighbor’s apartment, Shall met another guest who soon became her husband, a Karen refugee named Aung who had been in Syracuse just a bit longer than Shall. At that first meeting, Shall thought Aung was “quiet and mature, but he had a lot of energy. He seemed like a good person. He loved God—and he was good at cleaning.” What did Aung think of her? “Oh, he never says anything, but he was in love.” A year later, the two had married and were starting a family.

Shall with her two oldest children in their Syracuse apartment, ca. 2012. Lily, on our left, later became her mom’s English coach.

While Shall and Aung were adjusting to life in Syracuse, her father, brother, and oldest sister had resettled as refugees in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Sine soon left Syracuse to join them. In 2017, Shall’s new family, now with two young children and expecting a third, followed along, joining the rest of the family in Albert Lea, where job prospects for Aung were better. Also, Shall says, the Syracuse public school system would not allow her two children to attend the same school. Officials thought the kids would enculturate better if kept apart. Shall’s sister in Minnesota said that would not be an issue in Albert Lea, so after eight years Shall’s full family was finally reunited there.  

Prelude: “The 100 Questions” 

By fall of 2019, Shall’s husband held a good job at a pork processing facility in Austin. They had three children and a nice apartment near their two oldest children’s school. Their youngest was a toddler and Shall was expecting her fourth child. Born in the United States, the children were all U.S. citizens. In November, Shall and Aung decided to fill out N-400 forms, beginning the process of becoming naturalized citizens themselves.

Naturalization is a complicated, multi-step process that requires completing forms and presenting official documents to confirm one’s identity as a lawfully present and law-abiding U.S. resident for a required length of time. The process includes a test of English language proficiency and a “citizenship” exam about details of U.S. history and government. The final step is a brief courtroom oath-taking ceremony in which the applicant renounces citizenship in any other nation and asserts sole allegiance to the United States.

Shall and her husband were going through the process because they wanted to be recognized as full Americans, not just “resident aliens,” not just people who don’t “really” belong where they happen to live. Shall and Aung had never officially belonged anywhere, neither in Burma nor Thailand, nor anywhere else. In the United States, they had seen people voting, which seemed like a mark of official recognition as well as a right and privilege of belonging. They hoped someday to be able to vote and to travel internationally on a U.S. passport. They wanted a more secure claim on the American freedoms they had learned about in orientation sessions. “We wanted to live freely and vote,” Shall says. 

The naturalization process can move more or less quickly for different applicants. It requires applicants to provide or fill out many documents from various divisions of government. There can be long waits while documents from one step are processed before the next step begins. Would-be applicants are often daunted by the complexity of it all, especially by the exams.  

In November, 2019, when Shall was six months pregnant, she and her husband began the citizenship process together. Shall says it was confusing at first, but they were lucky to find an able helper in Maylary Apolo, a case handler at the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota’s Austin office. Maylary answered questions about what forms were required, how to fill them out, and where to send them. She knew which supporting documents were needed and how to get them, and she provided advice and encouragement.  

The couple submitted their N-400 forms at the same time, and in a few weeks received notice of a “biometrics” appointment, where their fingerprints and other identifying data would be recorded. They attended together, almost like a couple on a date: “Together, together,” Shall says, “Always we start everything together.” The next step was to wait while their applications were checked; then there would be a personal interview that included the English proficiency test and the citizenship exam.  

While they were waiting, their fourth child was born in late February. This was a change in family they would need to note on their citizenship applications. Shall dutifully called Maylary at ILCM and was surprised when Maylary said she had just heard that Shall’s big citizenship interview was scheduled in Minneapolis within about two weeks. 

Shall was alarmed. She wanted to be ready for the exams. She had been preparing off and on as time permitted, but she still needed to polish her English. And she thought about the citizenship test, with its “100 questions that you had to know and remember because you don’t know which ones they will ask.”  

Then she thought of her four young children, of the care and housework a family of six requires, of the daycare she provided for her sister’s four children while the sister worked, and “of all the things there are to do with a new baby in my arms.” She told Maylary, “I don’t think I can do this interview.” And Maylary replied, “I think you can.” 

Shall at least knew she wanted to. With an infant in arms, she enlisted her 10-year-old daughter, Lily, as an English tutor, especially for pronunciation. Lily would say a word for her mom to repeat and was not always pleased with what she heard, Shall reports. Often Lily would hear Shall’s repetition, frown, and then say, “No, Mommy, it’s not like that. You have to make a sound like this . . .” and then demonstrate. This helped a lot, but there were also the 100 citizenship questions. Shall read over the questions and brief answers most nights before she fell asleep, but she wasn’t sure she would remember them all.  

As the interview drew near, Maylary called and invited Shall to her office to practice the tests: 

“So I go there, and she asks me the 100 questions, and — oh my god! — I know more of them, but some made me confused, so I don’t get it. And then she wanted me to do the writing test, but I told her I’m not good at writing. I said, ‘You talk, I understand; I talk, you understand— Okay!  But I’m not good at writing.’ Then Maylary told me, ‘Try!’” 

“She called off the state California, and I don’t know how to write that. Then she called the state Dela? . . .  Dela? . . ., and I don’t know how to write that. She called more states, and then she said ‘You did okay with your 100 questions; you just have to look at them some more, but you have to focus on writing. Your speaking is already good, but your writing is low, so try to do better.’ So I go home and I try, I try, I try.”  Shall asked Lily to say the state names and other words while Shall practiced until she could write them correctly.

On the day of the interview, Shall’s whole family plus her good friend Emily traveled with her to the courthouse in Minneapolis. An ILCM probono attorney, Thomas Lovett from Ballard Spahr, joined them, and the group sat together in a waiting room until Shall was called.  

Shall says she was not nervous while waiting. “I felt relaxed with my husband and kids with me. I thought, pass or not pass — it doesn’t matter. I am happy with my family.” When Shall’s turn came, she and Thomas entered and sat together. The family waited in the lobby. In the interview room, Thomas confirmed the new baby and some details of Shall’s situation.

Then the interviewer questioned Shall briefly about her situation, and moved into asking some of the “100 questions,” occasionally jotting notes or marking documents during Shall’s answers. Finally, she asked Shall to write something about Christopher Columbus. After reading Shall’s answer, the interviewer began sorting through the papers on her desk. Then, she pushed some documents over for Shall to sign: “I signed everything and then I asked her: ‘I passed?’”  “Yes!” came the cheery response, “You passed.”  Shall says, “and then I’m so happy!”  

Returning to the lobby, Shall says, “I was going to pretend to my family that – ‘Aww, I didn’t pass,’ but my husband already saw me and was like, ‘She’s good. She passed.’ I was laughing, Emily was happy, and my husband was smiling. They were all so happy!”  Before driving back to Albert Lea, the whole group celebrated with a feast at a downtown Chinese restaurant: “You had to celebrate, because it was a big day!” 

The Last Ordeal:

A few months later, an official-looking envelope arrived in Shall’s mailbox. Inside was a letter from U.S. Customs and Immigration Service that began by thanking Shall for her interest in becoming a U.S. citizen. It said that to complete the process she “must now appear at a Naturalization Oath Ceremony” scheduled at the Minneapolis federal courthouse at noon on June 23, 2020. By now the Covid virus was circulating everywhere, so instead of the usual courtroom venue, the event was scheduled outside in Courthouse Plaza to reduce chances of spreading the virus.

Maylary contacted Shall to be sure she was prepared for the event, which was the last step in the naturalization process. After every step before, Shall had posted a photo and report on her Facebook page, and her family and friends had replied with congratulations, encouragement, and exclamation marks. The whole family had attended her citizenship interview in March. Everyone was rooting for Shall, remembering her interview, and awaiting a celebratory conclusion.  

But now, Shall and her husband were worried about the virus and about drawing the family to a crowded city where they might become infected. Also, the day was going to be unusually hot, not good for babies or older people. They decided that Aung would stay with the family while Shall’s friend Emily drove her to Minneapolis for the event. They would all keep in touch by phone.  

Anticipating this day, Shall had long ago ordered a traditional Karen dress from a Karen seamstress in Thailand. Now she donned the dress and selected a pair of “cute little heels” for the special event. To aid navigation, Emily asked Shall to photograph the Courthouse Plaza’s address printed in the U.S.C.I.S. notification letter.  

With that info secured, the two headed north on the highway, talking about everything like two good friends on a road trip.  Much later, while “Emily was talking a lot about the kids she loved,” Shall noticed a large green sign zip past the moving car’s window. Something seemed wrong. It slowly dawned on her that the sign had said “Rochester.” They had somehow taken a wrong turn farther back.

Emily was heading for the correct street address, Shall said, “but she thought it was in Rochester, so this was a delicate situation.” Shall thought now they might not arrive in time, but she did not want to make Emily feel bad by saying they had gone the wrong way. “I said, ‘Um, Emily, this is Rochester, not Minneapolis,’ and I showed her on the Google map where the Courthouse Plaza was and where we were.” They turned around and started towards Minneapolis.  

On the way, Emily worried they would be late and miss the ceremony. “She wanted me to call the court house and tell them,” Shall says, “so I called the number and had to wait” because only a few courthouse staff were working due to Covid-19. “Then someone came on talking and said I would have to wait for another person, so I waited more with the music.” Meanwhile, Emily drove and fretted about being late. “Finally,” Shall reports, “a voice on the phone was talking, and then it said ‘Your expected wait time will be 999 minutes.’  

“I didn’t think we could wait that long,” Shall says, “but I wasn’t worried because deep in my heart I knew I would become an American citizen on that day.” 

In Minneapolis, the problem was where to park. “That town has lots of people, lots of buildings, and you don’t know where you have to go,” Shall says, but Emily had ideas, and they found an underground parking ramp close to the courthouse. Next was a walk up many stairs and then some quick striding along the sidewalk. Time was getting short. Emily had asked people for directions and knew the way, but Shall began lagging behind. The day was hot, and the shoes were hurting her feet. Emily urged her to take them off, so she could walk faster, but Shall refused: “It would not look cute and beautiful, and people would look at me weird walking here with bare feet.” Emily slowed her walk so Shall could keep up.  

Emily’s photo of Shall in the Courthouse Plaza after the oath-taking ceremony.

They arrived at the plaza to find the event’s staff friendly and reassuring. There was plenty of time. About 50 people were already waiting to take the oath. Shall just needed to find her place in a socially-distanced group and wait with them in one part of the plaza. There, city and immigration officials congratulated the group and spoke to them about citizenship. Around the edges of the plaza, a small scattering of friends or relatives stood watching the proceedings.

Shall stood on her marked spot while the tall courthouse loomed over everyone and the hot sun beat down. She felt excited and grateful to be so near becoming a U.S. citizen, yet her feet hurt and she also thought, “It’s so hot! Why this year? Why now? Why so hot? Usually people go inside, sit down, have nice air conditioning, but here it’s under the sun, cover your face, wear a mask – oh, my god!” Still, she was happy. When her group was called, she stepped into the area before a court official, completed the oath, and then waited until a staff member walked around the socially-distanced group handing each new citizen their official certificate and a miniature U.S. flag. 

Emily’s selfie of the two friends after the ceremony.

After the ceremony, Shall stood in her Karen dress and little heels on the sunbaked plaza, holding her certificate and her little flag while the big courthouse flag on the pole behind her barely stirred in the hot sun. Emily took some photos with her phone and then called for a table at a nearby Chinese buffet. They thought they should have something to eat before the long drive home.

While they were in the restaurant, Shall “was missing my husband, missing my kids.” So she returned to the buffet line and filled some takeout boxes for Aung and the children before she paid the tab and began the trip home.

Walking to the parking ramp, Shall mentioned again that her feet hurt “and Emily was like, ‘Shall, do you want to take off your heels now?’ and I’m like, ‘Yes I want to take them off.’ I don’t care if it’s not cute anymore. My feet hurt, so I just take them off and hold them in my hand. And I don’t even care if people look at me weird.”

Shall’s husband, Aung, stands with her as she arrives home after the final citizenship ceremony.

When they arrived back in Albert Lea, the whole family ran out to greet Shall with cheers and congratulations. People were dressed up, and “the kids were like, ‘Yay, Mommy, you’re home now! We’re so proud of you – you’re a citizen now!’ And they were so happy that I brought them nice food.” Aung, who still hadn’t been called for his big citizenship interview, stood beside his wife, looking silently proud of her. Friends and relatives were circulating, and everyone was eating while people took a lot of pictures to mark the occasion.  

Shall’s family at home after the celebration.

One of the photos shows Shall, Aung, and their four children standing rather formally in their living room. Shall now holds her new baby along with her citizenship certificate and flag, and she still wears her Karen dress. Aung has changed into a traditional Karen man’s outfit. The oath Shall had taken that day requires people to renounce citizenship in any other nation and assert sole allegiance to the United States. That was not a problem for Shall. The Karen have an ancient ethnicity of their own, but not a nation. They had been driven from Burma and sheltered in Thailand, but they have not had guaranteed citizenship in any country during Shall’s lifetime. Shall says the photo with her traditional dress, small flag, and certificate “shows I am Karen and I came to the United States and now I am a citizen.”  

So, after much hard work and persistence, and with help from the Thai government, the United Nations, many foundations and NGOs, an Obama-era refugee program in the United States, the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota, and friends, family, and Karen organizations already in the United States, Shall went somewhere after all. Her journey to citizenship began in the jungles of Burma when she was too young to remember and ended fittingly almost 30 years later on the Minnesota prairie with a classic American road trip and then a return to home, family, and belonging. 


Asked what she would say, now, to someone who does not like immigrants coming to the United States, Shall said she might say, “I was an immigrant. Now I am an American citizen, just like you. You can talk to me in English. And I can talk to you.” 


Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Extended!

On December 9, the Trump administration obeyed a court order and extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for nationals of El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan through October 4, 2021. This status had been set to expire on January 4, 2021, leaving hundreds of thousands of TPS holders vulnerable to deportation. With their status extended through October 4, 2021, the incoming Biden administration will have time to fulfill its promises to protect these long-term residents of the United States.

The extension of TPS applies only to people who already have that status. It does not open the door for any new applications. The presidents of Guatemala and Honduras have asked that nationals of their countries who do not currently have TPS be allowed to apply for this status, based on the damage done to their countries by Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Iota. The Trump administration has not responded to their requests. President-elect Joe Biden has already committed to designating Venezuela for TPS after he takes office.

TPS holders from these six countries who need to renew their drivers’ licenses or show employers that they are still eligible to continue working may do so. Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) are automatically extended. For proof, TPS holders download a copy of the Federal Register notice, which is attached to this article as a PDF.

In addition to these six countries, four other countries still have TPS designations:

  • South Sudan—continuing through 5/2/2022
  • Somalia— continuing through 9/17/2021
  • Syria— continuing through 3/31/2021
  • Yemen— continuing through 9/3/2021

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is an immigration status which provides recipients with an 18-month authorization to live in the United States and also offers a work permit for people from designated foreign countries that have been impacted by a natural disaster, armed conflict, or other extraordinary circumstances.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has the sole authority to designate and then renew or re-designate a country for TPS.

TPS is a temporary status, granted because conditions in the home country  prevent safe return of that country’s nationals living in the United States, or because the home country temporarily is unable to accept their return. For some of the designated countries, TPS has been extended year after year when country conditions have not improved, so that many TPS holders have lived in the United States for decades, with strong ties to work, families, and communities.

12092020 TPS extension

Vaccine Planning and Distribution Key Messages: MDH



Updated 12.08.2020

High level key messages

  • There are three principles that will guide our distribution of the vaccine.
    • Immunize for impact, and maximizing immediate health benefit, reduce death and serious illness, and minimize the harm created by COVID-19
    • Equitable distribution and access, making sure no procedural or structural issues impact access to the vaccine among any particular group or population. And we want Minnesotans in every corner and every community to know they can trust the process, the safety, and the effectiveness of the vaccine.
    • Transparency and sharing information as quickly as possible with Minnesotans.
  • Minnesotans can be confident that the infrastructure in Minnesota is in place to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine quickly, equitably, and safely to Minnesotans in every corner the state.

How the priority groups were selected

  • We know that especially in the earliest weeks of vaccine distribution there will not be nearly enough vaccine to meet demand for the groups identified as top priorities in Phase 1a, not to mention the many other groups that we know have legitimate arguments for deserving early vaccines.
  • The National Academies of Science released a report on framework for equitable allocation of COVID-19 vaccine. With that guidance in mind, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) made recommendations for priority groups who should receive early limited doses.
    • For phase 1a, the first phase, they said health care personnel and long-term care residents should be included.
  • MDH will follow ACIP guidance, and we worked with our MN Vaccine Allocation Advisory Workgroup to take ACIP guidance and apply it to MN.
    • Their guidance reflects an emphasis on using the early, small amounts of vaccine to make the maximum possible impact (“Immunize for Impact”) on protecting our most vulnerable and exposed – including health care workers and long-term care residents.
  • We prioritized the first group for Minnesota even more by reviewing the risk criteria presented in that national Framework for Ethical Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine, published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The risk criteria considered were:
    • Risk of infection: Individuals have higher prioritization because they work or live in settings with a higher risk of disease transmission occurring because COVID-19 is circulating.
    • Risk of severe morbidity and mortality: Individuals who are older and that have comorbid conditions are at higher risk of severe outcomes and death.
    • Risk of transmitting to others (at work and at home): Individuals have higher priority because the live or work in settings where transmission is more likely to occur.
    • Risk of negative societal impact: Individuals have higher priority due to the extent which society and other people’s lives depend on them being healthy.
  • As you can see, it’s not just the risk to the individual, it’s also about risk to very vulnerable groups that a person serves that gets taken into account.
  • Minnesota has identified three sub-priority groups. We have guidance posted on our website with more details (will be posted at 1:30 p.m.): COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Health Professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/vaccine/index.html).

How vaccine will be distributed

  • Initial vaccines will be given in closed settings – we’re bringing the vaccine to the priority groups. There is not a “list” that Minnesotans need to get on to get vaccine. Since phase 1a is based on employment and place of residence, people eligible for this category will be contacted by their employer or the facility where they live, or possibly local public health, to let them know when vaccine is available to them.
  • Vaccine will go directly to providers who are enrolled with us to give COVID-19 vaccine.

Find more information on COVID-19 vaccines at COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Health Professionals (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/vaccine/index.html)

Click here for a printable PDF version of this update.

Click here for more information on “Minnesota Guidance for Allocating and Prioritizing COVID-19 Vaccine – Phase 1a” in PDF format. 

Updated Quarantine Guidance: Minnesota Department of Health

For months, CDC had recommended a quarantine period of 14 days for people exposed to someone with COVID-19, also known as close contacts. Quarantine is one of several public health tools used to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 to others. This guidance was based on evidence showing that close contacts can develop a COVID-19 infection as many as 14 days after being exposed.  

Last week, CDC announced an update to that long-standing guidance that includes options for 10-day or seven-day quarantines under certain conditions. After reviewing the available information, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) updated their guidance to integrate these new recommendations.  

The safest option is to stay away from others for 14 days.  

  • In certain situations, you may end your quarantine after 10 days, or after seven days with a negative COVID-19 test result.  
  • You cannot end your quarantine before seven days for any reason.  
  • Some work settings, like health care, have different rules about quarantine. Check with your employer.  

You should stay away from others for 14 days if:  

  • Someone in your home has COVID-19.  
  • You live in a building with other people, where it’s hard to stay away from others and easy to spread the virus to multiple people, like a long-term care facility.  

You may consider being around others after 10 days if:  

  • You do not have any symptoms.  
  • You have not had a positive test for COVID-19.  
  • No one in your home has COVID-19, and you do not live in a building with other people, where it’s hard to stay away from others and easy to spread the virus to multiple people, like a long-term care facility.  

Even after 10 days you must still:  

  • Watch for symptoms through day 14. If you have any symptoms, stay home, separate yourself from others, and get tested right away.  
  • Continue to wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away from other people.  

You may consider being around others after seven days only if:  

  • You get tested for COVID-19 at least five full days after you had close contact with someone with COVID-19, and the test is negative.  
  • You do not have any symptoms.  
  • You have not had a positive test for COVID-19.  
  • No one in your home has COVID-19, and you do not live in a building with other people, where it’s hard to stay away from others and easy to spread the virus to multiple people, like a long-term care facility.  

Even after seven days you must still:  

  • Watch for symptoms through day 14. If you have any symptoms, stay home, separate yourself from others, and get tested right away.  
  • Continue to wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away from other people.  
  • You cannot end your quarantine before seven days for any reason.  

More information  

The situation is changing rapidly. Visit Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for the most up-to-date information and follow MDH on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram to stay informed.  

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre tomar la Prueba de COVID-19 y Cubrimiento de Tratamiento

Actual a partir del 2 de deciembre de 2020.

Acceso para tomar la Prueba y Tratamiento para Personas que no tiene seguro de salud.

Yo no tengo seguro de salud. ¿Puedo tomar la prueba de COVID-19 sin un costo?

SI. Hay diferentes maneras en que puede tomar la prueba de COVID-19 gratuita en Minnesota.

  • Ud. puede ir a un lugar en la comunidad en un “sitio emergente” donde están haciendo pruebas gratuitas. Las ubicaciones, fechas y horario para estos sitios de pruebas son actualizado contestemente. Por favor visita la página en la red para una lista de estos sitios: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/testsites
  • Ud. puede obtener una prueba gratuita en un centro de salud comunitario que brinda servicios gratis. Ud. puede encontrar una clínica más cerca a Usted en: https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/
  • Ud. puede obtener seguro de salud del estado de Minnesota para pagar los gastos de la prueba de COVID-19. Su médico o cualquier sitio que hace las pruebas pueden darle la solicitud para este seguro. También lo puede encontrar aquí: https://edocs.dhs.state.mn/IFserver/Public/DHS-7130-ENG

Ud. es elegible para el seguro si Ud. cumple con los siguientes requisitos:

  • Es residente de Minnesota;
  • Es ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, residente permanente (tiene tarjeta verde) o si tiene algún de los siguientes estatus de inmigración:
    • Asilada/o
    • Refugiada/o
    • Destinataria de no ciudadana/o maltratado (VAWA)
    • Destinataria de DACA
    • Recibió Suspensión de Deportación o Suspensión de Expulsión
    • Destinataria de TPS
    • No-Inmigrante Temporal
    • En libertad en los Estados Unidos por un año
    • Participante condicional
    • Participante de Cuba o Haití
    • Inmigrante especial de Iraq o Afganistán; y
  • Ud. no tiene seguro de salud (por ejemplo, seguro de salud privado, Asistencia Médica, o Minnesota Care).

***Si Ud. cumple con los requisitos mencionados, (por ejemplo, Ud. es indocumentado), entonces Ud. no califica por este tipo de seguro.***

Ud. puede solicitar Asistencia de Emergencia Médica (EMA) del estado de Minnesota para cubrir el costo de la prueba de COVID-19 si sus síntomas requieren que tenga tratamiento del salón de urgencias o que tiene que ser internado en el hospital después de visitar el salón de urgencias.

Yo no tengo seguranza de salud. ¿Puedo obtener tratamiento gratis de COVID-19?

SI. Hay maneras limitadas en puede recibir tratamiento gratis para el COVID-19 en Minnesota:

  • Ud. puede recibir tratamiento en un centro de salud comunitario que brinda servicios gratuitos. Ud. puede encontrar el sitio más cerca en la red: https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/
  • Ud. puede obtener Asistencia de Emergencia Médica (EMA) del estado de Minnesota para cubrir los costos del tratamiento de COVID-19 si sus síntomas requieren que sea tratado en un salón de urgencias o internado en el hospital después de visitar el salón de urgencias. En cuando su condición se ha estabilizado, EMA seguirá pagando los costos de su tratamiento y solamente si es certificado/a para un plan de atención.

Yo no tengo seguro de salud. ¿Hay alguien que puede asistirme en buscar seguro?

SI. En MNSURE hay navegadores que están disponible para asistirle encontrar seguro que Ud. es elegible. Ud. puede buscar un navegador que le puede asistir en: https://www.mnsure.org/help/find-assister/find-assister.jsp


Yo tengo Asistencia Médica. ¿Pagara Asistencia Médica la prueba de COVID-19 y el tratamiento o yo voy a tener que pagar parte o todo el costo?

Asistencia Médica pagara el costo de COVID-19 y tratamiento. Los requisitos de costos compartidos como copagos y deducibles no se aplican para la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento.

Yo tengo MinnesotaCare. ¿Pagará MinnesotaCare la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento o yo voy a tener que pagar parte o todo el costo?

MinnesotaCare pagara el costo de COVID-19 y tratamiento. Los requisitos de costos compartidos como copagos y deducibles están renunciados para la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento durante este tiempo.


Yo compre seguro de salud por MNSURE. ¿Pagará MNSURE la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento o yo voy a tener que pagar parte o todo el costo?

  • Las compañías que venden seguro de salud por medio de MNSURE pagan el costo de la prueba de COVID-19 y hospitalización en la red. Los requisitos de costos compartidos como copagos y deducibles están renunciados para estos servicios y tratamiento durante este tiempo.
  • UCARE, una de las compañías que venden seguro de salud por medio de MNSure también paga el costo de la clínica, cuidado de urgencias, y visitas de salón de urgencias por COVID-19. Los requisitos de costos compartidos como copagos y deducibles están renunciados para estos servicios durante este tiempo.


Yo tengo seguro privado. ¿Pagará mi seguro el costo de la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento o yo voy a tener que pagar parte o todo el costo?

Si Ud. tiene seguro de salud privado, entonces Ud. debe comunicarse directamente con su compañía de seguranza tocante que es lo que cubren de prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento. Muchas compañías de seguro de salud están renunciando los costos compartidos como copagos y deducibles para las pruebas de COVID-19 y tratamiento.

Preguntas en referente a Inmigración

¿Tengo que compartir mi estatus de inmigratorio cuando hago la prueba de COVID-19 y/o tratamiento?

Ud. no es requerido de compartir su información de su estatus de inmigratorio cuando se toma la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento.

Si Ud. está solicitando Asistencia Médica, Minnesota Care o MNSure, o seguranza especial para pagar la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento, entonces si va tener que compartir su estatus inmigratorio para mostrar que Ud. califica para una o más de estos programas, que pagara por su prueba y tratamiento.

Sin embargo, si hay maneras para tomar la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento que es gratis sin que Ud. tenga que compartir su estado inmigratorio, incluyendo:

Proveedor Servicios Sitio en la red
Sitios Emergentes en la comunidad Prueba https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/testsites/
Sitios No Permanentes en la comunidad Prueba https://mn.gov/covid19/for-minnesotans/if-sick/testing-locations/index.jsp
Centros de Salud Comunitaria Prueba



¿Si yo recibo una prueba de COVID-19 o tratamiento gratis, puede ser esto considerado como carga publica para propósito de Inmigración?

El Servicio de Ciudadanía y Inmigración ha declarado que no será considerado como cargo publica cuando uno se toma la prueba, tratamiento o cuidada para prevenir y esto incluye vacunas cuando sean disponibles. Esto también es cierto cuando la prueba, tratamiento o cuidado fue pagado por un programa que en otras circunstancias puede ser considerado como carga pública.

Las reglas de cargo público están cambiando muy rápido. Hasta la fecha de esta publicación de este Preguntas Frecuentes, hay varias demandas en la corte que impugnan los cambios recientes de las reglas de cargo público. Para más información, puede ir a: https://www.ilcm.org/immigration-resources/public-charge/ para información más reciente sobre las reglas de cargo público.

Mis amistades y familia han visto mujeres y hombres vestidos en uniforme cuando han ido a los sitios donde MDH da la prueba gratis. ¿Pueden ellos repórtame a ICE o arrestarme por mi estatus inmigratorio?

Estas mujeres y hombres son parte de la Guarda Nacional, y están ahí solamente en asistir in poner los sitios de pruebas. Las enfermeras de la Guarda Nacional, en ocasión pueden tomar pruebas Ud. no tiene por qué preocuparse que están ahí. Ellos no trabajan por ICE y no reportan personas a ICE.


NOTA: Esta hoja de datos es para dar información de cómo puede tomar la prueba de COVID-19 y tratamiento gratuito. Cuando la hoja de datos dice la prueba es gratis o costo partido no será aplicado, esto quiere decir que la prueba es para propósito diagnostica. “Propósito Diagnostico” quiere decir que Ud. se está tomando la prueba porque Ud. cree que tiene COVID-19. Si Ud. está tomando la prueba por otra razón – por ejemplo, Ud. esta requerido de tomar la prueba de COVID-19 para poder participar en una actividad – entonces la prueba quizá no será gratis y los costos no se pueden renunciar.


Haga click aquí para encontrar el archivo PDF.

Downloadable PDF of “Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 Testing & Treatment Coverage.”

Downloadable PDF of “Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 Contact Tracing.”

Haga click aquí para la hoja “Preguntas Frequentes sobre Seguimiento de Contacto de COVID-19” en Español.

Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 Testing & Treatment Coverage

Current as of 12/2/2020.

Access to Testing and Treatment for People without Health Insurance

Q. I do not have health insurance. Can I get a free COVID-19 test?

A. Yes. There are a few ways you can get a free COVID-19 test in Minnesota:

  1. You can get free testing at a “pop-up” community testing site. The locations, dates, and times for these testing sites is updated constantly. Please visit the following website for a list of these sites: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/testsites/
  2. You can get free testing at a semi-permanent community testing sites. Please visit the following website for a list of these sites: https://mn.gov/covid19/for-minnesotans/if-sick/testing-locations/index.jsp
  3. You can get testing at a community health center that provides services for free. Find the center closest to you at the following website:  https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/
  4. You can obtain health insurance from the state of Minnesota to pay for the costs of COVID-19 testing. Your doctor or any testing site should be able to provide you with the application for this insurance. It is also available here: https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-7310-ENG

    You are eligible for this insurance if you meet all of the following requirements:

    1. You are a resident of Minnesota;
    2. You are a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident (green card holder), or have one of the following immigration statuses:
      • Asylee
      • Refugee
      • Battered Non-Citizen (VAWA) recipient
      • DACA recipient
      • Received Withholding of Deportation of Withholding of Removal
      • T Visa Recipient
      • Temporary non-immigrant
      • Paroled into the United States for at least one year
      • Conditional entrant
      • Cuban or Haitian entrant
      • Special Iraqi or Afghani Immigrant; and
    3. You do not have health insurance (for example, private health insurance, Medical Assistance, or Minnesota Care).
  5. You can obtain Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) from the state of Minnesota to pay for the costs of COVID-19 testing if your symptoms required you to be treated in the emergency room or admitted to the hospital after going to the emergency room.

***If you do not meet all of the requirements above (for example, if you are undocumented), you do not qualify for this type of insurance.***

Q. I do not have health insurance. Can I get free COVID-19 treatment?

A. Yes. There are limited ways you can get free COVID-19 treatment in Minnesota:

  • You can get treatment at a community health center that provides services for free. Find the center closest to you at the following website:  https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/
  • You can obtain Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) from the state of Minnesota to pay for the costs of COVID-19 treatment if your symptoms required you to be treated in the emergency room or admitted to the hospital after going to the emergency room. Once your condition is stabilized, EMA will continue to pay for the costs of your treatment only if you receive a care plan certification.

Q. I do not have health insurance. Is there anyone who can help me find insurance?

A. Yes. There are navigators available through MNsure who can assist you with finding insurance for which you are eligible. Find a navigator who meets your needs at https://www.mnsure.org/help/find-assister/find-assister.jsp

Access to Testing and Treatment for People with Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare

Q. I have Medical Assistance. Will Medical Assistance pay for COVID-19 testing and treatment or will I have to pay some or all of the cost?

A. Medical Assistance will pay the cost of COVID-19 testing and treatment. Cost-sharing requirements, such as copays and deductibles, are being waived at this time for COVID-19 testing and treatment.

Q. I have MinnesotaCare. Will MinnesotaCare pay for COVID-19 testing and treatment or will I have to pay some or all of the cost?

A. MinnesotaCare will pay the cost of COVID-19 testing and treatment. Cost-sharing requirements, such as copays and deductibles, are being waived at this time for COVID-19 testing and treatment.

Access to Testing and Treatment for People with Insurance through MNsure

Q. I bought health insurance through MNsure. Will my insurance pay for COVID-19 testing and treatment or will I have to pay some or all of the cost?

A. The insurance companies that sell health insurance through MNSure will pay the cost of COVID-19 testing and in-network hospitalizations. Cost-sharing requirements, such as copays and deductibles, are being waived at this time for these services.

UCare, one of the companies that sells health insurance through MNSure, will also pay the cost of clinic, urgent care, and emergency room visits for COVID-19. Cost-sharing requirements, such as copays and deductibles, are being waived at this time for these services.

Access to Testing and Treatment for People with Private Insurance

Q. I have private health insurance. Will my insurance pay for COVID-19 testing and treatment or will I have to pay some or all of the cost?

A. If you have private health insurance, please contact your health insurance company directly for information regarding coverage for COVID-19 testing and treatment. Many health insurance companies are waiving cost sharing requirements, such as copays and deductibles, for COVID-19 testing and treatment.

Immigration-Related Questions

Q. Will I have to share my immigration status to get free COVID-19 testing and/or treatment?

A. You should not be required to share your immigration status to get COVID-19 testing or treatment.

If you are applying for Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare, MNsure, or the special health insurance to pay for COVID-19 testing, you will have to share your immigration status to show that you qualify for one or more of these programs, which will pay for your test and/or treatment.

However, there are ways to get COVID-19 testing and treatment that is free without sharing your immigration status, including

Provider Services Website
“Pop up” community testing sites Testing https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/testsites/
Semi- permanent community testing sites Testing https://mn.gov/covid19/for-minnesotans/if-sick/testing-locations/index.jsp
Community health centers Testing and treatment https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/

Q. If I receive a free COVID-19 test or treatment, will this be considered in determining whether I am considered a public charge for immigration purposes?

A. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration has announced that it will not consider testing, treatment, or preventive care—including vaccines when they become available—when deciding whether someone is a public charge. This is true even if the testing, treatment, or care was paid for through a program that can otherwise be used to decide whether someone is a public charge.

The law of public charge is changing very quickly. As of the date of the publication of this FAQ sheet, there are several lawsuits challenging the most recent changes to the public charge rules. Please visit https://www.ilcm.org/immigration-resources/public-charge/ for the latest developments regarding the public charge rules.

Q. My friends and family who have gone to MDH’s free testing sites have noticed men and women in uniforms that look like soldiers. Are they going to report me to ICE or arrest me because of my immigration status?

A. No. These men and women are part of the National Guard, and they are only there to assist in setting up the testing sites. Occasionally nurses from the National Guard may perform swab tests. You should not be worried about them being there. They do not work for ICE or report people to ICE.


Note:  This fact sheet provides information about how to get free COVID-19 testing and treatment. When the fact sheet states that testing is free or that any cost sharing is waived, it is referring to testing for diagnostic purposes. “Diagnostic purposes” means you are getting tested because you think you may have COVID-19. If you are getting tested for another reason—for example, because you are required to obtain a COVID-19 test to participate in an activity–the testing may not be free and the costs may not be waived.


Downloadable PDF of this FAQ.

Haga click aquí para la hoja “Preguntas Frecuentes sobre tomar la Prueba de COVID-19 y Cubrimiento de Tratamiento”

Downloadable PDF of “Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 Contact Tracing.”

Haga click aquí para la hoja “Preguntas Frequentes sobre Seguimiento de Contacto de COVID-19” en Español.

Action Alert: Oppose New Barriers to Citizenship!

The Trump administration announced a new version of the citizenship test that is longer and more difficult than the previous version. Some of the new questions would require a higher level of English comprehension and some have been changed in a political way. The number of study questions has increased from 100 to 128. The number of questions asked of each applicant has increased from 10 to 20. Each applicant will have to answer 12 of the 20 questions correctly to pass. The new changes were made largely in secret and with no justification for why the changes are needed.

You can comment to oppose this new test. Click here for an easy way to comment.

USCIS will require the new test for everyone who files for naturalization after December 1, 2020. That rushes the new test in before the change of administrations. The quick start also gives organizations that provide citizenship test preparation very little time to update resources.

The new test makes citizenship harder, and will disqualify people will less education.

You can comment to ask for a delay for more public input. You can comment to ask that the new test wait for a decision by the new administration. Click here for an easy way to comment.

If this new test goes into effect, it could be in place for a decade or more. It will affect millions of people seeking to become citizens. The barriers this new test will put in place and the overall implications on access to citizenship are massive. The Trump administration’s plan to make citizenship harder to achieve is clear.

If you reject plans that would bar citizenship for all but the elite, click to comment today!

Support Minneapolis Representation for Immigrants

Minneapolis committed $75,000 in its 2020 budget to support legal services for Minneapolis residents detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A coalition of legal assistance organizations, including ILCM, provided consultation and representation to immigration detainees under that grant. The partnership between Minneapolis city government and non-profit legal assistance providers is a model for public-private partnership.

Legal representation makes a life and death difference to detained immigrants. Those who are represented are up to four times more likely to win release from detention while their cases are pending, allowing them to support their families as they prepare their cases. They are more than twice as likely to win the relief they seek when represented by legal counsel.

The current administration has targeted Minneapolis and Minnesota, vilifying our communities and our elected leadership. We are proud to stand with the Minneapolis city government in saying that we value and serve ALL of our community.

The city council is now considering the 2021 budget, which again proposes $75,000 to support legal representation for ICE detainees. You can comment in support of legal representation for detained immigrants by emailing your comments to councilcomment@minneapolismn.gov or directly to your City Council Member.

Public hearings on the proposed 2021 City budget:

Monday, November 16
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday, December 2
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 9
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.


Call to Stop Cameroonian Deportations!

Over 100 Cameroonians have been deported over the past couple of weeks. They were immediately taken into custody by Cameroonian security forces and many have not been heard from since. Before the first wave of deportation, the Cameroon American Council (CAC) + partners filed a complaint on behalf of eight Cameroonians who had been detained at Adams County Correctional Center in LA, and who had been forcibly made to sign deportation papers. This complaint led to two of the Cameroonians being taken off the deportation flight. Now, ICE plans to deport these two Cameroonian migrants, and others, on Tuesday, November 10.

Call your Senators. Call your Congressional Representative. Demand a stop to deportations of Cameroonians and a grant of Temporary Protected Status to Cameroonians in the United States.

The situation in Cameroon is grave: human rights abuses have been documented repeatedly and consistently:

  •  The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations announced a resolution in September of this year condemning the violence and grave human rights abuses by Cameroonian security forces, including suppression of free speech, detainment of government critics, torture, sexual violence, extrajudicial killings, and the burning of entire villages.
  • The Department of State 2019 Country Report on Human Rights Practices for Cameroon cited ‘‘significant’’ human rights abuses by security forces and separatist armed groups in Cameroon, including unlawful or arbitrary killings, forced disappearances, torture, arbitrary detention, repression of fundamental rights, and violence against women and children;
  • Government security forces and allied militia massacred at least 23 people, including 15 children and 2 pregnant women on February 14, 2020, in Ngarbuh, Donga Mantung division, in the Northwest region.

Call your Senators. Call your Congressional Representative. Demand a stop to deportations of Cameroonians and a grant of Temporary Protected Status to Cameroonians in the United States.