What does the DACA decision mean for you? – Facebook Live

On Friday, June 19, 2020 at 3 p.m., ILCM senior staff attorney Lenore Millibergity debriefed us on Thursday’s Supreme Court decision on DACA. She broke down the decision, what it means for DACA recipients, what it may mean for other Dreamers, and answered questions. She gave the same presentation in Spanish at 4 p.m. 

For PDF of the DACA Decision Fact Sheet, click here.

For PDF of Supreme Court decision, click here.

For FAQ on DACA and Supreme Court decision, click here.

La Decisión Sobre DACA de la Corte Suprema: Preguntas Frecuentes (06/18/2020)

We Need the Dream and Promise Act Now!

On June 18, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Trump administration’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). While we celebrate that decision, it’s not enough. The decision still leaves open the possibility for the Trump administration to end DACA in the future. To really protect DACA recipients, we need Congress to act.

The House of Representatives already passed the Dream & Promise Act, which would protect DACA recipients and TPS holders by giving them a way to become permanent residents and access a pathway to citizenship.

  • Dreamers are immigrant young people brought to the U.S. as children. Many are now young adults. They are kept from fully participating in U.S. society due to their undocumented status and are at risk of deportation.
  • Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders are migrants who have lived legally in the U.S. for decades due to armed conflict, environmental disaster, or other situations in their countries of origin that prevent safe return. They have built lives, families, businesses, and futures here and yet, their ability to remain in the U.S. is threatened with expiration.

An overwhelming majority of people in the United States—both Democrats and Republicans—support Dreamers. If the Senate voted, it would probably pass, but Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is blocking it. He will not allow the Senate to discuss, debate, or vote on the Dream and Promise Act.

Call your Senator now to demand action on the Dream and Promise Act!