Action Alert: Expand MinnesotaCare for Immigrants

Everyone needs affordable, quality, healthcare. But too many Minnesotans have no option except high-deductible healthcare plans that are too expensive to use, and current state law excludes undocumented immigrants from qualifying for any state health insurance program.  

Call your Minnesota legislators. Tell them that you want them to support the MinnesotaCare expansion that includes immigrants without status in the Omnibus Health bill (SF2995/HF2930). 

New Americans face multiple obstacles to obtaining needed healthcare. Lack of insurance coverage is a key factor. Undocumented immigrants have an uninsured rate of 45% compared to 23% of documented immigrants and nine percent of U.S. citizens.  

Many New Americans work in critical, but low-wage jobs, resulting in food and housing insecurity that further worsen health outcomes. Many New Americans avoid using public and private health care even when they are entitled to it for fear that it could impact their present or future immigration status.  

MinnesotaCare is a well-established healthcare coverage program. As of July 2022, MinnesotaCare enabled 107,973 individuals without employer-sponsored health insurance or Medical Assistance to access healthcare. With this proposed expansion, our state can clearly show how much it values New Americans. Nine states have extended state healthcare coverage to all income-eligible children, and others have initiated programs that offer healthcare coverage to undocumented adults in low-income households. Minnesota should reinforce its status as a leader in welcoming and integrating New Americans. 

Call your Minnesota legislators. Tell them that you want them to support the MinnesotaCare expansion that includes immigrants without status in the Omnibus Health bill (SF2995/HF2930). 

Had iyo Jeer la is weeydiiyo: Shatiga darawalnimada oo Idil

Hadda ahaan Maarso 28, 2023. Xaashidan ay ku qoran tahay xogta muhiimka ah ayaa socota oo waxaana lagu cusbooneysiin doona hadba sida loogu baahdo. Maaha talo sharci

Iskaan ku samee koodhka QR-kan si aad u hesho cod duuban oona ah xogta muhiimka ah ee ku qoran xaashidan.



Maarso 7, 2023, Barasaabka Tim Walz waxa uu saxiixay Laysinka Darawalnimada Dadka dhan la siiyo si uu sharci u noqdo. Sharcigu wuxuu dhaqan galayaa Oktoobar 1, 2023 Xaashidan ay ku qoran tahay xogaha muhiimka ah waxay soo koobaysaa sharciga cusub oo keliya.

Dhowrka bilood ee soo socda, Waaxda Badbaadada Dadweynaha (DPS), ILCM, iyo la-hawlgalayaasheena ayaa diyaarin doona agabyo kale si ay kaaga caawiyaan inaad u diyaargarowdo inaad codsato laysinka darawalnimada. Si aad u hesho agabyadii ugu danbeeyay, fadlan booqo

Si xaashidan ku qoran xogaha muhiimka looga dhigo mid sahlan in la akhriyo, waxaan si guud u tixraacnaa “laysinka darawalnimada”, laakiin kaararka aqoonsiga gobolka ayaa sidoo kale lagu heli karaa sida ku qoran sharciga cusub.

U Hogaansanaanta Aqoonsiga Aan-DHABTA Ahayn Minnesota/ Shatiga Darwalka ee Caadiga ah

1. Yaa heli kara laysinka darawalnimada marka loo eego sharciga cusub?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar 1, dhammaan reer Minnesota waxay heli karaan laysinka darawalnimada iyadoon loo eegin xaaladda socdaalka. Si loo helo laysinka darawalnimada, codsadaha jira 21 ama ka weyn waa inay caddeeyan  aqoonsigooda, kuna aflaxaa imtixaanka aragga, oo uu ku aflaxaa imtixaannada qoraalka ah iyo tan babuur wadista.  codsadayaasha u dhexeeya 16 iyo 21 way kala duwan yihiin.

2. Waa maxay nooca laysinka darawalnimada lagu heli karo ee hoos imaada sharciga Laysinka Darawalnimada ee Dadka dhan la siiyo?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar, dhammaan reer Minnesota waxay xaq u yeelan doonaan laysinka darawalnimada ee heerka D iyadoon loo eegin xaaladda socdaalka.  Ma jiri doonto calaamado ku qoran laysinka oo muujinaya jinsiyadda ama xaalad socdaal. Waxaa jira laba laysin oo kale oo laga heli karo Minnesota: laysinka ahna Aqoonsiga iyo laysinka labaduba iyo laysinka aqoonsiga Dhabta ah. Si loo helo laysinka ahna aqoonsiga iyo laysinka labaduba iyo laysinka aqoonsiga Dhabta ah, codsaduhu waa inuu caddeeyaa jinsiyadda ama xaalad socdaal oo u qalma.

Kaararka Aqoonsiga ee Minnesota

3. Waa maxay hadii aan kaliyah rabo AQOONSI laakin aanan rabin inaan wado gaadiid?

Qof kasta oo da’ kasta ah wuxuu codsan karaa kaarka aqoonsiga Minnesota (sawirka AQOONSIGA ee kore). Ka dib Oktoobar 1, qof kasta oo da’ kasta ah ayaa codsan kara kaarka aqoonsiga Minnesota iyadoon loo eegin xaaladda socdaalka. Codsaduhu waa inuu dalbadaa kaarka oo uu bixiyaa khidmadda loo baahan yahay iyo caddeynta la soo bandhigayo ee aqoonsiga (noocyo lamid ah dukumiintiyada aqoonsiga ee loo oggol yahay shatiga darawalka). Laga bilaabo Octobar 1, dhamaan reer minnesota oo idil ayaa xaq u yeelan doonaan kaarkarka aqoonsiga ayadoon loo egeeyn xaalada soo galootiga. Ma jiri doonto calaamado ku yaal kaarka aqoonsiga oo muujinaya dhalasho ama xaalad soo galooti.

4. Dukumeentiyo noocee ah ayaa la isticmaali karaa si loo caddeeyo aqoonsiga?

Codsadayaasha laysinka Darawalnimada heerka D waxay horaantii awoodaan inay isticmaalaan dukumeentiyada aqoonsiga halkan ku taxan si ay u caddeeyaan aqoonsigooda. Laga bilaabo 1-da  Oktoobar, codsadayaashu sidoo kale waxay awood u yeelan doonaan inay isticmaalaan dhowr dukumeenti oo ah kuwo ajnabi iyo socdaal ah si ay u caddeeyaan aqoonsigooda. Dukumeentiyadan waxaa ku jira kuwan soo socda, Waaxda Badbaadada Dadweynahana (DPS) waxay daabici doontaa liis dheer oo dukumeentiyada la aqbali karo marka loo dhawaado Oktoobar 1-deeda:

  • Baasaboor wadan kale ah
  • Shahaadada dhalasho wadan kale ah
  • Shahaadada korsashada laga helay wadan kale
  • Ogeysiiska xereynta socdaalka iyo ogolaanshaha qaarkood

5. Way igu adkaan doontaa inaan helo dukumentiyada aqoonsiga ee looga baahan yahay codsigan. Maxaan falaa?

Sharcigani ma dhaqan gelayo ilaa Oktoobar 1, 2023, marka tani waxay ku siinaysaa wakhti aad ku soo ururiso dukumeentiyada loo baahan yahay. Haddii aadan heli karin, waxaa laga yaabaa in weli ay jirto qaab aad ku codsan karto shatiga darawalnimada (iyada oo loo marayo wax loo yaqaan “nidaamka kala duwanaanshaha”). DPS waxay wali ka shaqaynaysaa tafaasiisha hababkan qaarkood waxayna ka dhigi doontaa macluumaad badan oo la heli karo goor dhow Oktoobar -1 deeda.

6. Miyaan u baahanahay inaan keeno caddaynta jinsiyadda ama sharciga socdaalka si aan u helo laysinka darawalnimada heerka D?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar, codsadayaasha laysinka caadiga ah ee heerka D uma baahna inay bixiyaan caddaynta jinsiyadda ama heerka socdaalka si ay u helaan laysinka darawalnimada. Dhab ahaantii, DPS looma oggola inay waydiiso codsadayaasha laysinka darawalnimada heerka D jinsiyaddooda ama xaaladdooda socdaal.

7. Waxaan ahay qof aan haysan wax dukumenti ah (tusaale ahaan, waxaan Mareekan soo galay Visa la’aan, ku soo galay visa oo aan sii joogay marka ay iga dhacdey, iyo wax la mid ah.). Ma heli karaa shatiga darwalnimo ee Minisota?

Haa. Laga bilaabo Oktoobar 1, caddeynta xaaladda Soo galootiga looma baahna iyada oo qayb ka ah dalabka shatiga darawalnimada ee Minnesota. Waxaad u baahan doontaa inaad bixiso dukumiintiyada aqoonsiga ee loo baahan yahay (eeg su’aasha # 4), laakiin uma baahnid inaad haysato ama caddeyso heerka socdaalka ee sharciga ah si aad ugu qalanto shatiga darawalnimo ee Minnesota.

8. Shatiga darawalnimo miyuu siyaa wax socdaal ah ama oggolaansho shaqo oo loogu talagalay soogalootiga bilaa sharciga ah?

May. Heerka socdaalku waa arrin u taal sharciga federaalka. Shatiyada darawalka ee lagu soo saaray sharciga gobolka ma bixiyo heerka socdaalka ama oggolaanshaha shaqada.

 9. Waa maxay ilaalinta gaarka ah ee ku jirta sharciga Laysinka Darawalnimada Dadka dhan la siiyo?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar, waxaa jiri doona xaddidaadyo adag oo ku imaanaya awoodda DPS si ay ula wadaagto macluumaadka ka baxsan wakaaladda ee ku saabsan qof sita laysinka darawalnimada heerka D.

Marka hore, DPS looma oggola inay cid la wadaagto macluumaad kasta oo ku saabsan jinsiyadda qofka ama xaaladda socdaalka. Waxaa jira mid ka reeban: DPS waxay xogtan la wadaagi kartaa Xoghayaha Gobolka Minnesota (SOS) si loo horumariyo diiwaanada diiwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha.

Marka labaad, DPS looma oggola inay la wadaagto wax macluumaad ah oo ku saabsan shakhsiyaadka soo codsaday ama helay laysinka darawalnimada heerka D ee ICE ilaa DPSay amarto maxkamad inay sidaas samayso mooyee.

Mida saddexaad, haddii DPS ay cid ka baxsan wakaalada ay la wadaagto wax macluumaadka shakhsiyaadka soo codsaday ama helay laysinka darawalnimada heerka D, wakaaladda helaysa waa inay saxiixaan caddayn inaysan macluumaadka ICE aysan cid kale la wadaagi doonin ama aanay u isticmaali doonin macluumaadka si ay u xoojiyaan sharciyada socdaalka.

10. Hadii aan si ku meel gaar ah aan ku helo Lambarka Amniga Bulshada laakin aan gebi ahaanbo ansax ku ahayn shaqada, makan baa ku qoraa codsiga?

Lambarka Sooshal Sekuuritiga (SSN) loogama baahna si loo helo shatiga Darawalka Heerka D ee caadiga ah. Codsiga shatiga darawalnimo waxaa la weeydiin doonaa codsadayaasha in ay liis gareeyaan lambarka sooshal sekuuritga. Tani waa run xitaa haddii aadan haysan xaalad soogalootinimo sharci ah oo SSN aysan ansax u ahayn ujeeddooyinka shaqada. Hadii aadan haysan hal, waxaad saxiixi doonta tijaabo inaadan haysan mid.

11. Miyaan qorayaa ITIN hadii aan leeyahay mid?

Ha ku qorin lambarkaaga ITIN booska SSN. Codsiga Shatiga Darawalnimo ee la cusbooneysiiyay ayaa lagu weeydiin karaa lambarka ITIN. Hadii laweydiiyo lambarka ITIN waa inaad bixisaa. DPS waxay waqti dambe bixin doontaa macluumaad badan oo arrintan ku saabsan.

12. Xagee ka codsan karaa shatiga? Miyeey tahay inaan shaqsi ahaanteyda sameeyo?

Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services ( DVS ) waxay haysaa macluumaad ku saabsan goobaha xafiiska, jadwalka tijaabada, iyo khidmadaha codsiyada shatiga darawalnimada ee laga heli karo websaydka Minnesota DVS.  

Waxaad ku buuxin kartaa nidaamka codsiga shaqsi ahaan goobta DVS ama goob rasmi ah oo DVS-la shuraako ah. Waxaad sidoo kale ku buuxin kartaa Ururada bulshada ee DVS-la- shuraakayaasha rasmiga ah, qaybo ka mid ah nidaamka codsiga, sida tijaabada qoraalka ah. Hubi inaad buuxinayso codsigaaga oo aad codsigaga ku soo gudbinayso goobta DVS ah ama lashuraako DVS ah oo rasmi ah. Codsiyada waa inuu soo gudbiyaa qofka codsanaya shatiga oo lama soo gudbin karo illaa Oktoobar 1.

13. Maxaa dhacaya haddii aan ka qaatay shatiga darawalnimada gobol kale?

Haddii aad ka qaadatay shatiga darawalnimada gobol kale, ka hubi websaydka Minnesota DVS.

Jawaabtu waxay ku xirantahay halka aad ka heshay shatiga, iyo in uu wali yahay mid shaqeenaya goorta aad codsaneyso shatiga Minnesota.

Fadlan si toos ah u weydii DVS haddii aad qabtid su’aalo ka dib markaad dib u eegto boggooda intarneetka iyo / ama weydiiso qareen soogalootinimo haddii aad qabtid su’aalo ku saabsan dukumiintiyada aad u isticmaali jirtay inaad ku hesho shatiga gobol kale.

Iskaan ku samee koodhka QR-kan si aad u hesho cod duuban oona ah xogta muhiimka ah ee ku qoran xaashidan.


Nooca PDF ee xaashida ay ku qoran tahay xogaha muhiimka ah

Preguntas más frecuentes: Licencias de Conducir para Todos

Vigente al 28 de marzo de 2023. Esta hoja informativa es un trabajo en progreso y se actualizará según sea necesario. Esto no es un consejo legal.

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El 7 de marzo de 2023, el gobernador Tim Walz firmó la ley Licencias de Conducir para Todos. La ley entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2023. Esta hoja informativa resume únicamente la nueva ley.

Durante los próximos meses, el Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DPS), ILCM y nuestros socios prepararán otros recursos para ayudarlo a prepararse para solicitar una licencia de conducir. Para ver los últimos recursos, visite

Para que esta hoja informativa sea más fácil de leer, nos referimos a “licencias de conducir”, pero también están disponibles las tarjetas de identificación estatal según la nueva ley.

Licencia de conducir estándar/no compatible con ID REAL de Minnesota

1. ¿Quién puede obtener una licencia de conducir en virtud de la nueva ley?

A partir del 1 de octubre, todos los habitantes de Minnesota pueden obtener una licencia de conducir sin importar su estatus migratorio. Para obtener una licencia de conducir, un solicitante de 21 años o más debe demostrar su identidad, aprobar el examen de la vista y aprobar los exámenes escrito y práctico. Los requisitos para los solicitantes que tienen entre 16 y 21 años son diferentes.

2. ¿Qué tipo de licencia de conducir está disponible según la ley Licencias de Manejar para Todos?

A partir del 1 de octubre, todos los habitantes de Minnesota serán elegibles para una licencia de conducir Clase D estándar, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. No habrá marcas en la licencia que indiquen ciudadanía ni estatus migratorio.

Hay otras dos licencias disponibles en Minnesota: licencias de conducir mejoradas y Real ID. Para obtener una licencia mejorada o Real ID, el solicitante debe demostrar la ciudadanía o un estatus migratorio calificado.

Tarjetas de identificación de Minnesota

3. ¿Qué sucede si solo quiero una identificación pero no para conducir?

Cualquier persona de cualquier edad puede solicitar una tarjeta de identificación de Minnesota (imagen de la identificación arriba). Después del 1 de octubre, cualquier persona de cualquier edad puede solicitar una tarjeta de identificación de Minnesota independientemente de su estado migratorio. El solicitante debe solicitar la tarjeta y pagar la tarifa requerida y presentar prueba de identidad (los mismos tipos de documentos de identidad que se permiten para una licencia de conducir). A partir del 1 de octubre, todos los que viven en Minnesota serán elegibles para las tarjetas de identificación de Minnesota, independientemente de su estado migratorio. No habrá marcas en las tarjetas de identificación que indiquen ciudadanía ni estado migratorio.

4. ¿Qué tipo de documentos se pueden utilizar para demostrar la identidad?

Los solicitantes de licencias de conducir estándar de Clase D ya pueden usar los documentos de identidad que se enumeran aquí para demostrar su identidad. A partir del 1 de octubre, los solicitantes también podrán usar varios documentos extranjeros y de inmigración para demostrar su identidad. Estos documentos incluyen lo siguiente, y el Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DPS) publicará una lista más larga de documentos aceptables más cerca del 1 de octubre:

  • Pasaporte extranjero
  • Acta de nacimiento extranjero
  • Certificado de adopción extranjera
  • Ciertos avisos de presentación y aprobación de inmigración

5. Me resultará difícil conseguir los documentos de identidad necesarios para esta solicitud. ¿Qué debo hacer?

Esta ley no entrará en vigencia hasta el 1 de octubre de 2023, por lo que le da tiempo para reunir los documentos requeridos. Si no puede obtenerlos, aún puede haber una manera de solicitar la licencia de conducir (a través de algo llamado “proceso de desviación”). DPS todavía está trabajando en los detalles de algunos de estos procesos y pondrá a disposición más información más cerca del 1 de octubre.

6. ¿Necesito proporcionar prueba de ciudadanía o estatus migratorio para obtener una licencia de conducir de Clase D?

A partir del 1 de octubre, los solicitantes de licencias de conducir estándar de Clase D no necesitan presentar prueba de ciudadanía o estatus migratorio para obtener una licencia de conducir. De hecho, DPS no puede preguntar a los solicitantes de licencias de conducir de Clase D sobre su ciudadanía o estatus migratorio.

7. Soy indocumentado (por ejemplo, ingresó los Estados Unidos sin visa, entró con visa y se quedó una vez vencida, etc.). ¿Puedo obtener una licencia de manejar de Minnesota?

Sí. A partir del 1 de octubre, no se requerirá comprobante del estado migratorio como parte de una solicitud para una licencia de conducir de Minnesota. Deberá proporcionar los documentos de identidad requeridos (ver la pregunta #4), pero no deberá tener ni demostrar un estado migratorio legal para ser elegible para una licencia de conducir de Minnesota.

8. ¿La licencia de conducir otorga algún estatus migratorio o autorización de trabajo a los inmigrantes indocumentados?

No. El estado migratorio es un asunto de ley federal. Las licencias de conducir emitidas bajo la ley estatal no otorgan estado migratorio ni autorización de trabajo.

9. ¿Cuáles son las protecciones de privacidad de la ley Licencias de Conducir para Todos?

A partir del 1 de octubre, habrá restricciones estrictas sobre la capacidad del DPS para compartir información fuera de la agencia sobre alguien que tenga una licencia de conducir de Clase D.

Primero, DPS no puede compartir ninguna información sobre la ciudadanía o el estado migratorio de una persona. Hay una excepción: DPS puede compartir estos datos con el Secretario de Estado de Minnesota (SOS) para mejorar los registros de inscripción electoral.

Segundo, DPS no puede compartir ninguna información sobre personas que hayan solicitado o recibido una licencia de conducir de Clase D con ICE a menos que un tribunal ordene a DPS que lo haga.

Tercero, si DPS comparte información fuera de la agencia sobre personas que solicitaron o recibieron una licencia de conducir de Clase D, la agencia receptora debe firmar una certificación de que no compartirá la información con ICE ni utilizará la información para hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración.

10. Si obtuve un Número de Seguro Social para fines temporales pero ya no es válido para trabajar, ¿es ese el que debo poner en la solicitud?

No es necesario tener un Número de Seguro Social (SSN) para obtener una licencia de conducir estándar de Clase D. La solicitud de licencia de conducir les pedirá a los solicitantes que pongan su número de seguro social. Si tiene uno, debe proporcionarlo. Debe proporcionarlo aunque no tenga un estado migratorio legal y aunque el SSN no sea válido para fines laborales. Si no tiene uno, firmará dando fe de no tener uno.

11. ¿Debo incluir el ITIN si tengo uno?

No incluya su número ITIN en el espacio para el SSN. La solicitud de licencia de conducir actualizada puede pedir un número ITIN. Si le pide el número ITIN, debe proporcionarlo. DPS proporcionará más información sobre esto en una fecha posterior.

12. ¿Dónde puedo solicitar la licencia? ¿Tengo que hacerlo yo mismo?

Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) tiene información disponible en el sitio web de Minnesota DVS sobre las ubicaciones de las oficinas, los horarios de las pruebas y las tarifas para las solicitudes de licencias de conducir.

Puede completar el proceso de solicitud en persona en una ubicación de DVS o en una ubicación oficial asociada de DVS. También puede completar partes del proceso de solicitud, como la prueba escrita, en organizaciones comunitarias asociadas y oficiales de DVS. Asegúrese de completar su propia solicitud y de presentarla en una ubicación de DVS o en un socio oficial de DVS. Las solicitudes las tiene que presentar la persona que solicita la licencia y no se pueden presentar hasta el 1 de octubre.

13. ¿Qué sucede si obtuve una licencia de conducir en otro estado?

Si obtuvo una licencia de manejar en otro estado, consulte el sitio web de Minnesota DVS. La respuesta depende de dónde obtuvo la licencia y si aún es válida en el momento en que solicita la licencia de Minnesota. Pregunte directamente al DVS si tiene preguntas después de consultar su sitio web y/o pregunte a un abogado de inmigración si tiene preguntas sobre los documentos que usó para obtener la licencia en el otro estado.


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Versión PDF de esta hoja informativa

xaashida xaqiiqda: maqaam ilaalin ku meel gaar ah oo loogu talo galay Somaliya

Xaashidan xaqiiqda ILCM waxay socotaa laga bilaabo Maarso 13, 2023. Tani maaha talo sharci.

Janaayo 12, 2023, Xoghayaha Amniga Gudaha Alejandro N. Mayorkas ayaa ku dhawaaqay kordhinta iyo dib u habeynta Soomaaliya ee Xaaladda Ilaalinta Ku Meel Gaarka ah (TPS) muddo 18 bilood ah.

Kordhintan iyo dib-u-habayntan waxay dhaqan galaysaa laga bilaabo Maarso 18, 2023, illaa Sebtember 17, 2024.

Kordhinta TPS ee Soomaaliya waxay u oggolaanaysaa ku dhawaad 430 ka- faa’iidaysteyaal hadda ah inay sii hayaan TPS illaa Sebtembar 17, 2024, haddii ay sii wadaan buuxinta shuruudaha u- qalmitaanka TPS. Dib u habeynta ayaa u ogolaaneysa muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed inay si joogta ah u degan yihiin Mareykanka laga bilaabo Janaayo 11, 2023, inay codsadaan TPS, ilaa iyo inta ay ka soo baxayaan dhammaan shuruudaha u- qalmitaanka.

Waa maxay heerka ilaalinta ku meel gaadhka ah (TPS)?

Xoghayaha Waaxda Amniga Gudaha (DHS) ayaa siiya TPS shakhsiyaadka ka socda wadamada loo qoondeeyay ee aan awoodin inay si nabad ah ku soo laabtaan dalkooda sababo la xiriira xaaladaha ama xaaladaha dalalkooda.

Inta lagu jiro muddada TPS ee la cayimay, dadka haysta TPS waxay ku noolaan karaan Maraykanka mana aha inay DHS u xidho iyada oo loo eegayo xaaladdooda socdaalka. Dadka haysta TPS waxay u qalmaan inay codsadaan dukumeentiga oggolaanshaha shaqada (EAD) iyo oggolaanshaha safarka.

Muxuu ka dhigan yahay kordhinta TPS ee Soomaaliya?

Haddii aad haysato TPS muwaadin Soomaali ahaan, waxaad codsan kartaa inaad kordhiso TPS. Si aad u hesho kordhinta TPS, waa inaad dib isu diiwaan gelisaa TPS adigoo codsanaya ka hor May 12, 2023*. Haddii la oggolaado, TPS-gaaga iyo EAD waa la kordhin doonaa illaa Sebtember 17, 2024.

*Waa inaad dib isu diiwaan gelisaa inta lagu jiro xilliga dib-u-diiwaangelinta Maarso 13, 2023 ilaa Maajo 12, 2023. Ha sugin inaad dib isu di

Maxay ka dhigan tahay dib u habeynta TPS ee Soomaaliya?

Haddii aad tahay muwaadin Soomaaliyeed oo aadan weligaa haysan TPS, hadda waxaad codsan kartaa TPS markii ugu horreysay. Haddii aad si joogto ah ugu noolayd Maraykanka ilaa Janaayo 11, 2023, waxaad codsan kartaa TPS inta lagu jiro xilliga diiwaangelinta laga bilaabo Maarso 13, 2023, ilaa Sebtembar 17, 2024. Waa inaad sidoo kale buuxisaa shuruudaha u-qalmitaanka.

Sideen u codsadaa TPS?

Dadka xiisaynaya TPS waa inay buuxiyaan arjiga Adeegyada Dhalashada Maraykanka iyo Socdaalka oo ay bixiyaan kharashka xaraynta. Waxay kaloo codsan karaan EAD iyo ogolaanshaha safarka. Dhammaan shakhsiyaadka codsanaya TPS waxay maraan amniga iyo hubinta taariikhda taasoo qayb ka ah go’aaminta u- qalmitaanka. Faahfaahin dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan shuruudaha u-qalmitaanka si aad u gudbiso codsiga bilowga ah ee TPS oo aad codsato EAD waxaa laga heli karaa Ogeysiiska Diiwaangelinta Federaalka (FRN).

Heerka TPS si toos ah ma loo bixiyaa?

Maya, TPS ma aha mid toos ah. Dadku waa inay codsadaan, bixiyaan kharashka xaraynta, oo ay ku gudbaan baaritaanka socdaalka. Waxaa jira xaqiiqooyin qaar oo qofka ka dhigaya mid aan u qalmin TPS. Tusaale ahaan, dadka lagu xukumo dambiyada qaarkood ama ku xad-gudbay xuquuqda aadanaha ee dadka kale uma qalmaan TPS. Dadka aan lagu aqbali karin sida waafaqsan qaybaha sharciga qaarkood waxaa laga yaabaa inay buuxiyaan ka- dhaafitaan ka hor inta aan loo oggolaan heerka TPS. Habka codsigu wuxuu noqon karaa mid adag, waxaana ku talinaynaa in lala shaqeeyo qareenka socdaalka.

Ilaa intee ayay shakhsiyaadka xaqa u leh ku helayaan ilaalin hoos timaada TPS?

TPS waa xaalad ku meel gaar ah. Xoghayaha Amniga Gudaha Alejandro N. Mayorkas ayaa Soomaaliya u magacaabaya TPS muddo 18 bilood ah, ilaa Sebtember 17, 2024.

Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya waxaana haystaa TPS, ma codsan karaa in aan kordhiyo?

Haa Marka loo eego Somali TPS, shakhsiyaadka horey u haystay TPS waa inay codsadaan inay kordhiyaan TPS- kooda.

Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya mana haysto TPS, ma codsan karaa markii ugu horeysay?

Waxaa laga yaabaa in. Haddii aad si joogto ah u degan tahay Maraykanka ilaa Janaayo 11, 2023, oo aad si kale u xaq leedahay, waxaad iska diiwaan gelin kartaa TPS inta lagu jiro xilliga diiwaangelinta. La hadal qareen socdaalka si aad ugala hadasho xaaladaada gaarka ah.

Anigu waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya, waxaanan ku sugnaa Maraykanka ilaa ka hor January 11, 2023, laakiin waxaan ka tagay muddo gaaban. Ma codsan karaa TPS?

Waxaa laga yaabaa in. Haddii aad wali u qalanto TPS waxay kuxirantahay dhererka iyo dabeecada wakhtigaaga ka baxsan Mareykanka. Fadlan la xidhiidh qareen laanta socdaalka si aad ugala hadasho xaaladaada.

Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya, waxaana aan ku imid Mareykanka qaxootinimo. Miyaan u baahanahay inaan codsado TPS?

Maya. Dadka ku sugan Maraykanka ee haysta aqoonsiga qaxootinimo way ku noolaan karaan kana shaqayn karaan halkan waxayna codsan karaan degenaansho rasmi ah hal sano kadib. Haddii aad leedahay sharci qaxooti, uma baahnid TPS.

Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya, oo hadda waxaan haystaa green card. Miyaan u baahanahay inaan codsado TPS?

Maya. Degenaansho rasmi ah ahaan, waxaad sharci ku leedahay Maraykanka oo waxaad ku socotaa waddadii dhalashada. Uma baahnid mana u qalmi doontid TPS.

Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya, waxaana ku socdaa dacwad musaafuris. Ma codsan karaa TPS si aan uga fogaado masaafurinta?

Haa Qofka ku jira dacwooyinka raritaanku wuxuu codsan karaa TPS, iyo haddii la ogolaado, wuxuu codsan karaa in garsooruhu uu hakiyo kiiska saarista ilaa TPS laga oggolaado, ka dibna wakhtiga ay shaqaynayso. La hadal qareen socdaalka si aad ugala hadasho xaaladaada gaarka ah.

Waxaan ka imid Soomaaliya, booliiskuna waxay halkan igu siiyeen tigidho. Ma codsan karaa TPS?

Waxaa laga yaabaa in. Waa inaad tustaa tigidhadaada, warbixinnada booliiska, iyo diiwaannada maxkamadda qareenka socdaalka ka hor inta aanad xerayn. Qofka leh laba dembi-xumo ama hal dembi oo dembi ah ma heli karo TPS. Qareen ayaa kuu sheegi kara haddii tigidhada ay dhibaato noqon doonaan.

Waa kuwee dadka ka socda Soomaaliya ay tahay inay ka fiirsadaan inay codsadaan TPS?

Dadka halkan jooga ee aan lahayn sharci waa inay tixgeliyaan codsiga. Sidoo kale, kuwa halkan ku jooga fiisaha wakhti xaddidan ama aan ogolayn shaqo waxa laga yaabaa inay sidoo kale ka faa’iidaystaan iyagoo helaya Xaaladda Ilaalinta Ku Meel Gaarka ah. Haysashada TPS waxba ma dhibayso.


Caawin hel

Xarunta Sharciga Socdaalka ee Minnesota (ILCM) waxay siisaa adeegyo sharci socdaal oo lacag la’aan ah muhaajiriinta dakhligoodu yar yahay ee arrimaha socdaalka kala duwan. Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan sida aan kuu caawin karno, fadlan booqo websaydkayaga ama naga soo wac (651) 641-1011.

PDF – xaashida xaqiiqda: maqaam ilaalin ku meel gaar ah oo loogu talo galay Somaliya

Thank you to our Pro Bonos!

ILCM is grateful to all our pro bonos – we couldn’t do what we do without you all! It’s volunteer appreciation month and we wanted to honor some of our pro bonos. We asked them why they began volunteering at ILCM, what they find most rewarding, and more.

Allira Sharma, Vice President, Senior Corporate Counsel, US Bank  

Allira has been volunteering with ILCM for over three years! She has taken on many DACA clients and recently started working on naturalization cases as well! We appreciate our long term pro bono volunteers branching out to other types of cases. Thank you, Allira!

1. What inspired you to get involved with Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota?  

I wanted to get involved with ILCM because I am first generation American and both of my parents went through the naturalization process. I feel passionately about assisting clients through this process because I understand how confusing it can be and how life changing it is.  

2. What has been the most rewarding part of your pro bono work with the organization? 

My favorite part of pro bono work with ILCM is getting to know the clients. During my day job, I work as in-house counsel and my only client is a business, so I appreciate hearing my pro bono clients’ individual stories and I value that they are able to share their experiences, which can sometimes include quite traumatic life events. 

3. Has there been a stand-out moment (a certain case, interaction, and/or overall story) from your volunteer work that you would like to share? 

I don’t have a stand-out moment regarding a certain case, but universally, what stands out for me is how appreciative each client is for the services we provide as volunteers. In turn, during the pandemic, I appreciated the flexibility that clients had to meet me at odd places like FedEx in order to get signatures and send documents to USCIS because I wasn’t able to go into my office.  

4. What would you say to others who are contemplating volunteering with the organization? 

Take a leap of faith and volunteer! I don’t have a background in immigration law but ILCM has provided me with excellent training, mentors and a space to meet with clients. ILCM makes it easy to volunteer and provides you with the tools to successfully advocate for your clients. 


Minnesota Freedom Fund Team

  • Mirella Ceja-Orozco, Co-Executive Director & Attorney  
  • Adriana Lopez and Julian Alvarez, Immigration Bond Team 

The Minnesota Freedom Fund team, Mirella, Adriana, and Julian have taken on over forty cases with ILCM ranging from DACA to naturalization to removal cases! We have been so grateful to this team using their immigration experience to help our clients with complex cases! Thank you, MN Freedom Fund team!

1. What inspired you to get involved with Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota?  

All three have worked in immigration law firms in the past and believe it is important to continue supporting ILCM’s work and impacting communities in ways that are meaningful while simultaneously impacting MFF’s mission. Mirella has been practicing immigration law for over 10 years and is a former ILCM removal defense attorney. Both Adriana and Julian served as paralegals at local firms, and Julian also served as a diplomatic official at the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul and Chicago.  The MFF Immigration Team is inspired daily by ILCM’s work in community. What better way to further support their work and protect people from the harms of ICE detention than by giving of our time to ensuring people can get or maintain status in the US. 

2. What has been the most rewarding part of your pro bono work with the organization?  

The most rewarding piece for us has been seeing clients glow when their cases are approved and are granted status in the US. Clients are always so excited, we love that.   

3. Has there been a stand-out moment (a certain case, interaction, and/or overall story) from your volunteer work that you would like to share?  

One of our most recent cases had been pending for over 7 years. The amount of Kleenex we needed when her Green Card finally arrived was simply overwhelming.  

4. What would you say to others who are contemplating volunteering with the organization? 

Do it! You literally make all the difference in the world. You won’t regret being able to support community members in this special way. ILCM makes it easy to volunteer and provide the tools and resources you might need if you are new to this space.  


Anna Zagaria, Compliance Manager, Prime Therapeutics 

Anna is a new ILCM volunteer and has already taken a case! We’ve been lucky to get to meet with Anna at our pro bono office and love getting to hear about questions that come up during representation and hear about updates with the client! Thank you, Anna!

1. What inspired you to get involved with Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota? 

My husband is an immigrant from Ecuador, so I have been on the client side of immigration matters before. I have experienced the frustrations of the immigration system in our country and wanted to help others in the way I had been helped in the past.  

2. What has been the most rewarding part of your pro bono work with the organization? 

The most rewarding part of my work thus far has been interacting directly with my client and building trust. The day I accepted her case I called her and I could hear the relief in her voice as we talked. She has been so grateful for the services at ILCM and I am glad to have been a part of that experience!  

3. What would you say to others who are contemplating volunteering with the organization? 

ILCM makes volunteering easy! Their staff attorneys and office staff are helpful and support volunteers throughout every step of the process. They provide access to their legal server, weekly office hours, and many other resources to ensure their volunteers’ success. I highly encourage others to volunteer with ILCM!  


Tinzing Artmann, Lead Litigation Paralegal, Target

Tinzing has been a leader in DACA cases at Target for years. She has assisted on over 100 cases and continues to bring more people into the program to widen support for our clients! We love when pro bono volunteers find their passion in helping on DACA cases. Thank you, Tinzing!

1. What inspired you to get involved with Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota?  

I am a Tibetan American who grew up in India and immigrated to the U.S., so I know how complex the U.S. Immigration system is and have lived that experience. I grew up with nothing and many people have helped me get to where I am today, so I see this as my turn to give back.  The skill set I gained while working with ILCM set me up to provide the best service that I can to others. What I love about working with ILCM is that they’re dedicated to helping those who have no voice advocate for simple things that all human beings should have. There are many things that ILCM offers as an organization, but the top reason why I got involved is the training they offer that makes you confident to serve.  

2. What has been the most rewarding part of your pro bono work with the organization? 

Pro bono work opportunities provide me with a basis for my purposeful existence in this world. Every time I help an individual, I end my day with a feeling that I helped someone and made a difference in someone’s life. 

3. Has there been a stand-out moment (a certain case, interaction, and/or overall story) from your volunteer work that you would like to share? 

Yes, I have many stories, but one stands out the most. Many individuals that I help are in their early 20s to early 30s and they know America as their land and find it a safe haven. Someone recently asked me if they could get a butterfly tattoo on their hand. This made me realize what a privilege it is to be born here and have legal status because you don’t have to worry about these things, while DACA kids have to think twice about doing anything that could jeopardize their status in the U.S. 

4. What would you say to others who are contemplating volunteering with the organization? 

As lawyers and paralegals, we have a unique skill set that can benefit a lot of people who can’t speak up. There are great organizations like ILCM that can connect you with a cause you’re interested in, and I urge everyone to try this out and see if this gives you a purpose as it does for me. It doesn’t have to be a huge commitment, but you never know if that one or two hours might turn into a lifetime of dedication. If you’re afraid of volunteering your time, reach out to me and I can show you the world of happiness that makes my living complete through this work! 

Xaashida ay ku qoran tahay xogaha muhiimka ah ee ILCM: Laysinka Darawalnimada Dadka dhan la siiyo

Hadda ayuu jiraa laga bilaabo Maarso 14, 2023. Tani talo sharci maahan.

Maarso 7, 2023, Barasaabka Tim Walz waxa uu saxiixay Laysinka Darawalnimada Dadka dhan la siiyo si uu sharci u noqdo. Sharcigu wuxuu dhaqan galayaa Oktoobar 1, 2023 Xaashidan ay ku qoran tahay xogaha muhiimka ah waxay soo koobaysaa sharciga cusub oo keliya.

Dhowrka bilood ee soo socda, Waaxda Badbaadada Dadweynaha (DPS), ILCM, iyo la-hawlgalayaasheena ayaa diyaarin doona agabyo kale si ay kaaga caawiyaan inaad u diyaargarowdo inaad codsato laysinka darawalnimada. Si aad u hesho agabyadii ugu danbeeyay, fadlan booqo

Si xaashidan ku qoran xogaha muhiimka looga dhigo mid sahlan in la akhriyo, waxaan si guud u tixraacnaa “laysinka darawalnimada”, laakiin kaararka aqoonsiga gobolka ayaa sidoo kale lagu heli karaa sida ku qoran sharciga cusub.

Yaa heli kara laysinka darawalnimada marka loo eego sharciga cusub?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar 1, dhammaan reer Minnesota waxay heli karaan laysinka darawalnimada iyadoon loo eegin xaaladda socdaalka. Si loo helo laysinka darawalnimada, codsadaha jira 21 ama ka weyn waa inay caddeeyan  aqoonsigooda, kuna aflaxaa imtixaanka aragga, oo uu ku aflaxaa imtixaannada qoraalka ah iyo tan babuur wadista.  codsadayaasha u dhexeeya 16 iyo 21 way kala duwan yihiin.

Waa maxay nooca laysinka darawalnimada lagu heli karo ee hoos imaada sharciga Laysinka Darawalnimada ee Dadka dhan la siiyo?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar, dhammaan reer Minnesota waxay xaq u yeelan doonaan laysinka darawalnimada ee heerka D iyadoon loo eegin xaaladda socdaalka.  Ma jiri doonto calaamado ku qoran laysinka oo muujinaya jinsiyadda ama xaalad socdaal. Waxaa jira laba laysin oo kale oo laga heli karo Minnesota: laysinka ahna Aqoonsiga iyo laysinka labaduba iyo laysinka aqoonsiga Dhabta ah. Si loo helo laysinka ahna aqoonsiga iyo laysinka labaduba iyo laysinka aqoonsiga Dhabta ah, codsaduhu waa inuu caddeeyaa jinsiyadda ama xaalad socdaal oo u qalma.

Dukumeentiyo noocee ah ayaa la isticmaali karaa si loo caddeeyo aqoonsiga?

Codsadayaasha laysinka Darawalnimada heerka D waxay horaantii awoodaan inay isticmaalaan dukumeentiyada aqoonsiga halkan ku taxan si ay u caddeeyaan aqoonsigooda. Laga bilaabo 1-da  Oktoobar, codsadayaashu sidoo kale waxay awood u yeelan doonaan inay isticmaalaan dhowr dukumeenti oo ah kuwo ajnabi iyo socdaal ah si ay u caddeeyaan aqoonsigooda. Dukumeentiyadan waxaa ku jira kuwan soo socda, Waaxda Badbaadada Dadweynahana (DPS) waxay daabici doontaa liis dheer oo dukumeentiyada la aqbali karo marka loo dhawaado Oktoobar 1-deeda:

  • Baasaboor wadan kale ah
  • Shahaadada dhalasho wadan kale ah
  • Shahaadada korsashada laga helay wadan kale
  • Ogeysiiska xereynta socdaalka iyo ogolaanshaha qaarkood

Miyaan u baahanahay inaan keeno caddaynta jinsiyadda ama sharciga socdaalka si aan u helo laysinka darawalnimada heerka D?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar, codsadayaasha laysinka caadiga ah ee heerka D uma baahna inay bixiyaan caddaynta jinsiyadda ama heerka socdaalka si ay u helaan laysinka darawalnimada. Dhab ahaantii, DPS looma oggola inay waydiiso codsadayaasha laysinka darawalnimada heerka D jinsiyaddooda ama xaaladdooda socdaal.

Waa maxay ilaalinta gaarka ah ee ku jirta sharciga Laysinka Darawalnimada Dadka dhan la siiyo?

Laga bilaabo 1-da Oktoobar, waxaa jiri doona xaddidaadyo adag oo ku imaanaya awoodda DPS si ay ula wadaagto macluumaadka ka baxsan wakaaladda ee ku saabsan qof sita laysinka darawalnimada heerka D.

Marka hore, DPS looma oggola inay cid la wadaagto macluumaad kasta oo ku saabsan jinsiyadda qofka ama xaaladda socdaalka. Waxaa jira mid ka reeban: DPS waxay xogtan la wadaagi kartaa Xoghayaha Gobolka Minnesota (SOS) si loo horumariyo diiwaanada diiwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha.

Marka labaad, DPS looma oggola inay la wadaagto wax macluumaad ah oo ku saabsan shakhsiyaadka soo codsaday ama helay laysinka darawalnimada heerka D ee ICE ilaa DPSay amarto maxkamad inay sidaas samayso mooyee.

Mida saddexaad, haddii DPS ay cid ka baxsan wakaalada ay la wadaagto wax macluumaadka shakhsiyaadka soo codsaday ama helay laysinka darawalnimada heerka D, wakaaladda helaysa waa inay saxiixaan caddayn inaysan macluumaadka ICE aysan cid kale la wadaagi doonin ama aanay u isticmaali doonin macluumaadka si ay u xoojiyaan sharciyada socdaalka.

Iskaan ku samee koodhka QR-kan si aad u hesho cod duuban oona ah xogta muhiimka ah ee ku qoran xaashidan.


Nooca PDF ee xaashida ay ku qoran tahay xogaha muhiimka ah

Hoja informativa de ILCM: Licencias de conducir para Todos

Vigente al 14 de marzo de 2023. Esto no es un consejo legal.

El 7 de marzo de 2023, el gobernador Tim Walz firmó la ley Licencias de Conducir para Todos. La ley entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2023. Esta hoja informativa resume únicamente la nueva ley.

Durante los próximos meses, el Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DPS), ILCM y nuestros socios prepararán otros recursos para ayudarlo a prepararse para solicitar una licencia de conducir. Para ver los últimos recursos, visite

Para que esta hoja informativa sea más fácil de leer, nos referimos a “licencias de conducir”, pero también están disponibles las tarjetas de identificación estatal según la nueva ley.

¿Quién puede obtener una licencia de conducir en virtud de la nueva ley?

A partir del 1 de octubre, todos los habitantes de Minnesota pueden obtener una licencia de conducir sin importar su estatus migratorio. Para obtener una licencia de conducir, un solicitante de 21 años o más debe demostrar su identidad, aprobar el examen de la vista y aprobar los exámenes escrito y práctico. Los requisitos para los solicitantes que tienen entre 16 y 21 años son diferentes.

¿Qué tipo de licencia de conducir está disponible según la ley Licencias de Manejar para Todos?

A partir del 1 de octubre, todos los habitantes de Minnesota serán elegibles para una licencia de conducir Clase D estándar, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. No habrá marcas en la licencia que indiquen ciudadanía ni estatus migratorio. Hay otras dos licencias disponibles en Minnesota: licencias de conducir mejoradas y Real ID. Para obtener una licencia mejorada o Real ID, el solicitante debe demostrar la ciudadanía o un estatus migratorio calificado.

¿Qué tipo de documentos se pueden utilizar para demostrar la identidad?

Los solicitantes de licencias de conducir estándar de Clase D ya pueden usar los documentos de identidad que se enumeran aquí para demostrar su identidad. A partir del 1 de octubre, los solicitantes también podrán usar varios documentos extranjeros y de inmigración para demostrar su identidad. Estos documentos incluyen lo siguiente, y el Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DPS) publicará una lista más larga de documentos aceptables más cerca del 1 de octubre:

  • Pasaporte extranjero
  • Acta de nacimiento extranjero
  • Certificado de adopción extranjera
  • Ciertos avisos de presentación y aprobación de inmigración

¿Necesito proporcionar prueba de ciudadanía o estatus migratorio para obtener una licencia de conducir de Clase D?

A partir del 1 de octubre, los solicitantes de licencias de conducir estándar de Clase D no necesitan presentar prueba de ciudadanía o estatus migratorio para obtener una licencia de conducir. De hecho, DPS no puede preguntar a los solicitantes de licencias de conducir de Clase D sobre su ciudadanía o estatus migratorio.

¿Cuáles son las protecciones de privacidad de la ley Licencias de Conducir para Todos?

A partir del 1 de octubre, habrá restricciones estrictas sobre la capacidad del DPS para compartir información fuera de la agencia sobre alguien que tenga una licencia de conducir de Clase D.

Primero, DPS no puede compartir ninguna información sobre la ciudadanía o el estado migratorio de una persona. Hay una excepción: DPS puede compartir estos datos con el Secretario de Estado de Minnesota (SOS) para mejorar los registros de inscripción electoral.

Segundo, DPS no puede compartir ninguna información sobre personas que hayan solicitado o recibido una licencia de conducir de Clase D con ICE a menos que un tribunal ordene a DPS que lo haga.

Tercero, si DPS comparte información fuera de la agencia sobre personas que solicitaron o recibieron una licencia de conducir de Clase D, la agencia receptora debe firmar una certificación de que no compartirá la información con ICE ni utilizará la información para hacer cumplir las leyes de inmigración.

Escanee este código QR para obtener una grabación de audio de esta hoja informativa.


Versión PDF de esta hoja informativa

Frequently Asked Questions: Driver’s Licenses for All

Current as of March 28, 2023. This fact sheet is a work in progress and will be updated as needed. It is not legal advice.

On March 7, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed Driver’s Licenses for All into law. The law will go into effect on October 1, 2023. This fact sheet summarizes the new law only.  

Over the next few months, the Department of Public Safety (DPS), ILCM, and our partners will be preparing other resources to help you prepare to apply for a driver’s license. For the latest resources, please visit  

To make this fact sheet easier to read, we refer to “driver’s licenses” throughout, but state identification cards are also available under the new law.

Minnesota Non-REAL ID Compliant/Standard Driver’s License

1. Who can obtain a driver’s license under the new law? 

Starting October 1, all Minnesotans can obtain a driver’s license regardless of immigration status. To get a driver’s license, an applicant who is 21 or older must prove their identity, pass the vision test, and pass the written and driving tests. The requirements for applicants who are between 16 and 21 are different. 

2. What kind of driver’s license is available under the Driver’s Licenses for All law? 

Starting October 1, all Minnesotans will be eligible for a standard Class D driver’s license regardless of immigration status (ID image above). There will be no markings on the license indicating citizenship or immigration status. 

There are two other licenses available in Minnesota: enhanced and Real ID driver’s licenses. To obtain an enhanced or Real ID license, an applicant must prove citizenship or a qualifying immigration status. 

Minnesota Identification Cards

3. What if I just want an ID but not to drive? 

A person of any age may apply for a Minnesota Identification card (ID image above). After October 1, any person of any age may apply for a Minnesota Identification card regardless of immigration status. The applicant must apply for the card and pay the required fee and present proof of identity (same types of identity documents as allowed for a driver’s license). Starting October 1, all Minnesotans will be eligible for Minnesota Identification cards regardless of immigration status. There will be no markings on the identification card indicating citizenship or immigration status. 

4. What kind of documents can be used to prove identity? 

Applicants for standard Class D driver’s licenses are already able to use the identity documents listed here to prove their identity. Starting October 1, applicants will also be able to use several foreign and immigration documents to prove their identity. These documents include the following, and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) will publish a longer list of acceptable documents closer to October 1: 

  • Foreign passport 
  • Foreign birth certificate 
  • Foreign adoption certificate 
  • Certain immigration filing and approval notices

5. It will be difficult for me to get the identity documents required for this application. What should I do? 

This law will not go into effect until October 1, 2023, so this gives you some time to gather the required documents. If you cannot get them, there may still be a way to apply for the driver’s license (through something called a “variance process”). DPS is still working out the details of some of these processes and will make more information available closer to October 1. 

6. Do I need to provide proof of citizenship or immigration status to obtain a standard Class D driver’s license? 

Starting October 1, applicants for standard Class D driver’s licenses do not need to provide proof of citizenship or immigration status to obtain a driver’s license. In fact, DPS is not allowed to ask applicants for Class D driver’s licenses about their citizenship or immigration status. 

7. I am undocumented (for example, entered the United States without a visa, entered on a visa and stayed once it expired, etc.). Can I get a Minnesota driver’s license? 

Yes. Starting October 1, proof of immigration status will not be required as a part of an application for a Minnesota driver’s license. You will need to provide the required identity documents (see question #4), but you will not need to have or prove lawful immigration status to be eligible for a Minnesota driver’s license. 

8. Does the driver’s license grant any immigration status or work authorization to undocumented immigrants? 

No. Immigration status is a matter of federal law. Driver’s licenses issued under state law do not grant immigration status or work authorization.

9. What are the privacy protections in the Driver’s Licenses for All law? 

Starting October 1, there will be strict restrictions on DPS’s ability to share information outside the agency about someone who holds a Class D driver’s license. 

First, DPS is not allowed to share any information about an individual’s citizenship or immigration status. There is one exception: DPS can share this data with the Minnesota Secretary of State (SOS) to improve voter registration records. 

Second, DPS is not allowed to share any information about individuals who have applied for or received a Class D driver’s license with ICE unless DPS is ordered by a court to do so. 

Third, if DPS shares any information outside the agency about individuals who have applied for or received a Class D driver’s license, the receiving agency must sign a certification that they will not share the information with ICE or use the information to enforce immigration laws.

10. If I got a Social Security Number for temporary purposes but it is no longer valid for work, is that the one I should list on the application? 

A Social Security Number (SSN) is not required to obtain a standard Class D driver’s license. The Driver’s License application will ask applicants to list their social security number. If you have one, you must provide it. This is true even if you do not have lawful immigration status and the SSN is not valid for work purposes. If you do not have one, you will sign attesting to not having one.

11. Should I list ITIN if I have one? 

Do not list your ITIN number in the space for the SSN. The updated Driver’s License application may ask for an ITIN number. If it asks for the ITIN number you should provide it. DPS will provide more information about this at a later date.

12. Where can I apply for the license? Do I have to do it myself? 

Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) has information about office locations, testing schedules, and fees for driver’s license applications available on the Minnesota DVS website. You can complete the application process in person at a DVS location or an official DVS-partner location. You can also complete parts of the application process, such as the written test, at official DVS-partner community organizations. Be sure that you are completing your own application and that you are submitting your application at a DVS location or an official DVS-partner. Applications must be submitted by the individual who is applying for the license and cannot be submitted until October 1.

13. What if I got a driver’s license in another state? 

If you got a driver’s license in another state, check the Minnesota DVS website. The answer depends on where you got the license, and whether it is still valid at the time you apply for the Minnesota license. Please ask DVS directly if you have questions after reviewing their website and/or ask an immigration attorney if you have questions about the documents you used to get the license in the other state. 

PDF Version of this FAQ – English

Fact Sheet: New Parole Program for Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela

Current as of March 13, 2023. This is not legal advice.

On January 6, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced new parole programs for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela who are seeking safe haven within the United States due to the conditions in their country.  

Qualified applicants who are outside the United States and lack U.S. entry documents may be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for advanced authorization to travel to the United States and a temporary period of parole for up to two years for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit. To participate, eligible applicants must: 

  • Have a supporter in the United States; 
  • Undergo and clear robust security vetting; 
  • Meet other eligibility criteria; and 
  • Warrant a favorable exercise of discretion. 

What does parole mean? 

Under U.S. immigration law parole generally refers to official permission for an individual to enter and remain temporarily in the United States if they are applying for admission but do not have a legal basis for being admitted. Individuals who receive a grant of parole are allowed to enter the United States, but they are not provided with an immigration status, nor are they formally “admitted” into the country for purposes of immigration law. 

How does the parole process usually work? 

Parole is reviewed on a case-by-case basis by an agency within DHS, and the burden of proof is placed on the applicant to establish that parole should be authorized. If parole is authorized, the agency authorizing parole will specify how long it may last, tailored to accomplish the purpose of the parole. Parole ends on the date it is set to expire, when the recipient departs the United States, or when they acquire an immigration status. DHS may revoke parole at any time if it is no longer warranted or the recipient violates the conditions of the parole. A parolee may also apply to extend or renew their parole with the agency that first issued the parole. 


For Applicants 

Who is eligible to apply? 

Nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, or Venezuela (or their immediate family member of any nationality) who are outside the United States and meet the other eligibility requirements are eligible to apply for parole.  

How do I apply? 

Nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela cannot directly apply for these processes. A supporter in the United States must first complete and file Form I-134A with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on their behalf and include information about them and contact details, such as an email address. If USCIS deems the Form I-134A sufficient, they will send the recipient information about the next step in the process to be considered for authorization to travel to the United States and parole consideration at an airport of entry. 

I have lived in another third country where I received temporary status. Can I still apply for this parole process? 

Yes. You are still eligible to apply for this parole process.  

I am currently in the United States, can I apply? 

No. You must be currently outside of the United States to be eligible for this parole process.  

Who is considered an “immediate family member”? 

Immediate family members include the spouse, common law partner, and children (unmarried and under the age of 21) of an eligible beneficiary. The family member does not need to be a national of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua or Venezuela. 

I do not have a valid passport, can I still apply? 

No. All people applying, including minor children, must have a valid, unexpired passport.  

I am from Venezuela and unable to renew my passport, can I still apply? 

Maybe. According to USCIS, consistent with the National Assembly decree of May 21, 2019, certain expired Venezuelan passports remain valid. A Venezuelan passport: 

  • Issued before June 7, 2019 (even if expired before this date), without a passport extension (“prórroga”), is considered valid and unexpired for five years beyond the expiration date printed in the passport. 
  • Issued before June 7, 2019 (even if expired before this date), with a “prórroga” issued before June 7, 2019, is considered valid and unexpired for five years beyond the expiration date of the “prórroga.” 
  • Issued before June 7, 2019 (even if expired before this date), with a “prórroga” issued on or after June 7, 2019, is considered valid and unexpired through the expiration date of the “prórroga” or for five years beyond the expiration date printed in the passport, whichever is later. 
  • Issued on or after June 7, 2019, without a “prórroga” is not considered valid beyond the expiration date printed in the passport. 
  • Issued on or after June 7, 2019, with a “prórroga” issued on or after June 7, 2019, is considered valid and unexpired through the expiration date of the “prórroga.” 

Does this parole process provide me with a path to permanent status? 

No. Parole is a temporary status. It does not lead to permanent status in the U.S.  

Can I apply for employment authorization under this parole process? 

Yes. After you are paroled into the United States, you are eligible to apply for discretionary employment authorization from USCIS.  

Do I have to repay my supporter? 

No. People who receive parole do not have to repay, reimburse, work for, serve, marry, or otherwise compensate their supporter in exchange for filing Form I-134A on your behalf or for providing financial support while you are in the United States. Access to this process is free.  

Neither the supporter nor the recipient of parole is required to pay the U.S. government a fee for the Form I-134A or participation in the process. Beware of any scams or potential exploitation by anyone who asks for money associated with applying to this process. 


For Supporters 

Who is eligible to be a supporter? 

Supporters must reside in the United States with lawful status – which includes: 

  • U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals 
  • Lawful permanent residents, lawful temporary residents and conditional permanent residents 
  • Nonimmigrants in lawful status who have not violated any of the terms of conditions of their nonimmigrant status 
  • Asylees, refugees, and parolees 
  • Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders 
  • Deferred action (including DACA) recipients 
  • Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) holders 

Individuals must also pass security and background checks. 

Do I need to be a family member of the applicant to be their supporter? 

No. Anyone who meets the requirements to become a supporter and is confirmed by USCIS may support eligible applicants. 

Can organizations be supporters? 

Yes and no. An organization cannot serve as the support on the I-134A form because the form requires an individual to sign. However, that individual can file the I-134A in association with or on behalf of an organization, business, or other entity providing support to the applicant. 

What are my responsibilities as a supporter? 

The supporter must be willing and able to receive, maintain, and financially support the beneficiary during the two-year parole period. USCIS decides case-by-case on the amount of financial support required. 

What documentation do I need to submit with Form I-134A? 

The supporter should submit proof of their U.S. citizenship or immigration status and evidence of sufficient income and resources. This evidence may include bank statements, paystubs, a letter from an employer, or a copy of the most recent tax return. 

I’d like to be a supporter but cannot do so alone. May I join with others to support an applicant? 

Yes. In this case, one supporter should file a Form I-134A and include supplementary evidence demonstrating the identity of, and resources to be provided by, the additional supporters and attach a statement explaining the intent to share responsibility to support the applicant. These supporters’ ability to support an applicant will be assessed collectively. 

I want to support an entire family. Can I file one Form I-134A for the whole family? 

No. Supporters must file a separate Form I-134A for each applicant, including minor children. 


Printable PDF version of this fact sheet.

ILCM Spring Board Updates

ILCM is pleased to announce our new Board of Directors Chair, Sarah Radosevich! Sarah was first introduced to ILCM during college when she volunteered with us and translated educational materials into Spanish. She later joined the Board in 2019 and we are lucky to have her leadership as Chair of the Board!

Sarah Radosevich is a Government Relations Manager with General Mills, where she runs reputational and regulatory risk management processes. Before joining General Mills, Sarah was part of the policy team at the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce where she analyzed and supported advocacy efforts across a broad range of issues at the State Capitol. She received a Master in Public Policy degree from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, and her B.A. in Latin American Studies from Middlebury College. It was during a summer between years at Middlebury that she first volunteered for ILCM, translating educational materials into Spanish. Sarah joined the ILCM Board of Directors in 2019 and now serves as Chair.

We are also pleased to announce that Marielos Cabrera is our new Board of Directors Vice-Chair! Marielos joined the Board this past summer and we are looking forward to working with her in this new role.

Marielos Cabrera graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and attended law school at the University of Minnesota. Marielos currently works as Health Law attorney at Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.. Before law school, Marielos worked as a paralegal at a family, criminal and immigration law firm where she saw first hand the legal barriers immigrants face. Marielos is a native Spanish speaker and the proud daughter of an immigrant father.

We also welcome Fafa Yakor and Greg Langer to our board!

Fafa Yakor has served on our Finance Committee for the last two years and is jumping right in to serve as our Treasurer. He is a Manager with EY in the Strategy & Transactions practice. He graduated from Concordia College and is a CPA. He began his career in Audit with Deloitte, and further worked as a consultant with Salo, a Korn Ferry company, and at Wells Fargo.

Greg Langer graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.B.A. in Accounting and his Master’s in Accountancy and earned his CPA in 2013. He works as a finance and accounting consultant for Brillect. Prior to Brillect, he served as controller for WPT Industrial REIT, a publicly traded real estate investment trust. Prior to WPT, he served as a senior manager in the manufacturing and real estate practice at KPMG where he provided audit and advisory services to a variety of firms.