Join us at the Capitol! Driver’s Licenses for All Senate Vote

Tomorrow’s the day!  

Tomorrow, February 21 at approximately 5 p.m., the full Minnesota Senate will debate and vote on the Driver’s Licenses for All Bill (SF 27). The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM) joins other advocates, unions, community-based groups, law enforcement, and businesses in urging the Minnesota Senate to pass the bill.  

We urge everyone who supports Driver’s Licenses for All to contact your Minnesota Senator and ask for their support during the vote tomorrow and join us at the Minnesota State Capitol! 

On January 30, Driver’s Licenses for All passed the Minnesota House of Representatives with a 69-60 vote. Since then, it has been heard and passed by multiple Senate committees.  

The struggle for Driver’s Licenses for All has lasted two decades. In 2003, the governor unilaterally revoked the right of all Minnesotans – regardless of immigration status – to obtain a driver’s license so long as they passed the written test and obtained insurance. We are on the cusp of restoring that right.  

Join us at the Minnesota State Capitol tomorrow at 5 p.m.! 

Call your Minnesota Senator and urge them to support Driver’s Licenses for All (SF 27)! 

Currently, eighteen states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico allow residents to access driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status. Learn more about how those states have benefitted through ILCM’s Fact Sheet on Driver’s Licenses. 

Issuing licenses without proof of immigration status would not only benefit immigrants, but also those experiencing homelessness, the elderly, and other groups who may have difficulty obtaining hard-to-access documentation. 

Call your Minnesota Senator and urge them to support Driver’s Licenses for All! 

Join Us at the Capitol! Driver’s Licenses for All House Vote


Next Monday, January 30, at 3:30 p.m., the full Minnesota House of Representatives will vote on the Driver’s Licenses for All bill (HF 4). The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM) joins other advocates, unions, community-based groups, law enforcement, and businesses in urging the Minnesota House to pass the bill.  

We urge everyone who supports Driver’s Licenses for All to contact your Minnesota Representative and ask for their support during the vote on January 30 and join us at the Minnesota State Capitol! 

The bill will restore driver’s licenses to all Minnesotans regardless of immigration status so long as they pass the written and practical tests, increasing safe legal access to our shared roads for everyone. This was the law until 2003 when the governor unilaterally revoked this right.   

Access to driver’s licenses is important for public safety, economic growth, and the dignity of our community members. Every day, Minnesota residents who are undocumented go to work, care for family members, attend school, advocate for positive changes, and connect with other residents of Minnesota. We need them and all that they contribute to our Minnesota community. They need driver’s licenses. 

Join us at the Minnesota State Capitol on Monday, January 30, at 3:30 p.m.! 

Call your Minnesota Representative and urge them to support Driver’s Licenses for All (HF 4)! 

Currently, eighteen states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico allow residents to access driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status.  

Issuing licenses without proof of immigration status would not only benefit immigrants, but also those experiencing homelessness, the elderly, and other groups who may have difficulty obtaining hard-to-access documentation. 

If the bill passes the Minnesota House, it will begin to make its way through the Minnesota Senate before Governor Walz signs it into law. Call your Minnesota Senator and urge them to support Driver’s Licenses for All too! 

Minnesota House Floor Vote on Driver’s Licenses for All  

January 26, 2023 – Next Monday, January 30, at 3:30 p.m., the full Minnesota House of Representatives will vote on, the Driver’s Licenses for All bill (HF 4). The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM) joins other advocates, unions, community-based groups, law enforcement, and businesses in urging the Minnesota House to pass the bill.  

The bill will restore driver’s licenses to all Minnesotans regardless of immigration status so long as they pass the written and practical tests, increasing safe legal access to our shared roads for everyone. This was the law until 2003 when the governor unilaterally revoked this right.   

“Access to driver’s licenses is important for public safety, economic growth, and the dignity of our community members,” said ILCM executive director Veena Iyer. “Every day, Minnesota residents who are undocumented go to work, care for family members, attend school, advocate for positive changes, and connect with other residents of Minnesota. We need them and all that they contribute to our Minnesota community. They need driver’s licenses.” 

Currently, eighteen states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico allow residents to access driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status.  

“Issuing licenses without proof of immigration status would not only benefit immigrants, but also those experiencing homelessness, the elderly, and other groups who may have difficulty obtaining hard-to-access documentation,” said Iyer.