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Press release: ‘Appalling racism:’ Trump does not speak for America

Posted on Jan 12 2018

January 12, 2018—”We denounce the appalling racism expressed by President Trump yesterday,” said John Keller, Executive Director of the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM). “While racism and xenophobia are part of our history, the majority of Americans recognize them as evils to be eradicated. Yesterday’s vile outbursts by President Trump showed his own racist and ignorant views, and his unfitness to speak for America.”

The Board of Directors of the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM) has members who are immigrants or descendants of immigrants from around the world. Its clients last year came from more than 100 countries. Its staff and supporters are similarly diverse.

“We reject the president’s uninformed and bigoted statements that began when his campaign started and continued through yesterday,” said Enrique Vazquez, ILCM board chair. “His vulgar attack on entire countries and continents is disgusting, but we know that he speaks from his own ignorance and bigotry and does not speak for the majority of Americans or the values of equality and welcome emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty that make the United States unique in the world.”

The president’s comments came during a meeting with Senators who proposed some kind of compromise including relief for DACA recipients, along with other changes in immigration law.

“We need to stay focused and pass a clean, bi-partisan Dream Act now,” said Keller. “Every recent discussion seems to go from bad to worse. Americans in the vast majority expect Congress and the President to welcome and protect Dreamers and reject racism. Now is the time for solutions not distractions. Congress, do your job.”