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We Will Continue to Work for Driver’s Licenses For All

Posted on May 24 2019

Friday, May 24th, 2019

SAINT PAUL — Following the news that the Driver’s Licenses For All bill will not be passed during the 2019 legislative session, the Freedom 2 Drive coalition released the following statement.

“We are disappointed and pained at the failure of the legislature to pass Driver’s Licenses For All bill in the 2019 session.

“We are proud of the Asia American Pacific Islanders, Black and Latino immigrants across Minnesota who shaped and informed the Freedom to Drive campaign. We are inspired by the courage of vulnerable community members who told their stories over and over again to appeal to legislators.

“We are encouraged by the strong support shown by business, law enforcement, faith leaders, civic groups, and people across Minnesota. We know that the majority of Minnesotans support restoring access to driver’s licenses for all. We will continue to work toward restoring access to driver’s licenses for all because this is legislation that ALL Minnesota needs.

“We are disappointed in the Senate Republicans’ racist and obstructionist platform that is only interested in dividing us to distract from their unpopular policies than it is in helping Minnesotan families.

“We appreciate the support from Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor, Peggy Flannagan as well as the leadership of Representatives Ryan Winkler and Aisha Gomez and their staff who authored and helped the driver’s license bill pass the House floor for the first time ever.

“Access to driver’s licenses is important for public safety, economic growth, and the dignity of our community members. Every day, Minnesota residents who are undocumented go to work, care for family members, attend school, advocate for positive changes, and connect with other residents in the farmlands, small towns, and cities of Minnesota. Their contributions help Minnesota maintain strong, vibrant communities that ensure that the state is an attractive place to live and raise a family. We need them and all that they contribute to our  Minnesota community. They need driver’s licenses.

“Once again vulnerable members of our community are being excluded from having access to driver’s licenses.  This session’s failure is painful and unfair, but we will not give up.

“We remind ourselves that while the federal government is turning its back on working class immigrants—those who work the night shifts, behind shop counters, and in kitchens, factories and mines, nannies, health care workers, students, service, hospitality, farm and dairy workers—they are a part of making this country better for everyone.

“We will rest and take care of ourselves, and we will be back. We will continue to organize, today, tomorrow and  in every election and legislative session to protect our families and friends.”