News > Immigration In Minnesota

What Refugee Cuts Mean In Minnesota

Posted on Mar 14 2017

President Trump’s latest executive order on refugees suspended refugee admissions for 120 days and also cut the number of refugees from 110,000 to 50,000 for this year. The number of refugees admitted varies each year, but 50,000 will be the lowest number since the early 2000s. At that time, most refugee admissions were suspended for three months after 9/11.

Minnesota refugee resettlement agencies have already begun cutting staff. The 120-day suspension means almost no new refugee arrivals until mid-July. Cutting the number of refugee admissions means few refugee admissions at all until the new fiscal year begins in October.

Minnesota is a leading state for refugee resettlement, with more than 21,000 arriving in the past ten years. In the last fiscal year, which ended September 30, 2016, the United States admitted 85,000 refugees. Minnesota accepted 2,630 of this number.

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