Action Alert: Support DACA—File a Comment

The Biden Administration has proposed a Federal Regulation on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—DACA. This Federal Regulation is one needed response to court decisions attacking current DACA status. The proposed Federal Regulation falls short of what can and must be done to “preserve and fortify” DACA.    You can file a comment telling the Biden administration […]

Tell President Biden: Stop Expelling Haitians

Since September 19, the United States has expelled more than 7,000 Haitians, including large numbers of families and children as young as three months old. While attention turned away from Haiti after the Del Rio camp was emptied, the expulsion flights still continue every day.   Email President Biden and demand an end to expulsion […]

Fact Sheet: Immigration Reform Through INA Section 245(i) and Registry

This fact sheet is current as of October 4, 2021. This is general information and not to be considered as legal advice. Congress is considering creating a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS holders, and essential workers. The Senate Parliamentarian said the Biden administration proposals for a path to citizenship do not belong in the […]

Compassion and Due Process for Haitians 

September 22, 2021—Thousands of desperate Haitian migrants in Del Rio, Texas deserve due process and compassion. The United States has the capacity to give food, water, and shelter to those waiting under a blazing Texas sun. U.S. and international law require us to give a hearing to their pleas for asylum.   Right now, the […]

Fact Sheet: Deferred Enforced Departure (DED)

This fact sheet is current as of August 17, 2021  What is DED?   Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) is a discretionary protection status.   DED recipients are protected from deportation and are allowed to obtain work permits. DED does not provide a pathway to permanent residency or citizenship.  DED is authorized under the president’s constitutional discretion to conduct […]

Leave No One Behind—Keep Evacuation Flights Going 

August 25, 2021— The U.S. evacuation effort has flown tens of thousands of Afghans and U.S. citizens to safety over the past few weeks. Thousands remain in danger. The August 31 deadline for ending evacuation is arbitrary and dangerous. Until everyone is evacuated, we must keep the Kabul airport open and planes flying.  Tens of […]

Tell President Biden and Congress: Leave No One Behind 

For two decades, the U.S. Government has employed Afghan allies to serve alongside U.S. troops, diplomats, and other government employees as interpreters, translators, cultural advisors, drivers, and more. Because of their service to the U.S. mission, our allies’ lives and their families’ lives are at risk. Human rights defenders, women, LGTBQ+ people, and other at-risk […]

We Welcome Afghan Refugees

August 24, 2021—ILCM Executive Director Veena Iyer’s statement on welcoming and supporting Afghan refugees: Minnesota has a long history of welcoming refugees. Minnesota has historically been home to more refugees per capita and the number one state for “secondary migration” of refugees resettled to other parts of the United States. In short, Minnesota welcomes and […]

ICE Out Hennepin County Campaign secures important protections for immigrant arrestees at the Hennepin County Jail

Media Advisory from Decriminalizing Communities Coalition August 5, 2021—The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has a long history of collaborating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This relationship has been oppressive and has targeted immigrant residents of Hennepin County. In 2018, Sheriff’s Office candidate David Hutchinson campaigned on ending HCSO’s ICE collaboration, which was a […]