Tell Senators: Protect Dreamers NOW!

On July 16 2021, U.S. District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Texas issued an opinion finding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal and barring the federal government from granting new applications. For the time being, current DACA recipients retain their protections, but their future is more uncertain than ever. The ruling once again puts the fate […]

Decisión de la corte federal de Texas sobre DACA: Preguntas más frecuentes (Updated July 28, 2021)

Esta hoja está actualizada a partir del 28 de julio de 2021.  ¿Qué se estaba cuestionando en este caso?  El estado de Texas y varios otros estados argumentaron que el Presidente Obama no siguió correctamente la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo (APA) cuando creó DACA en 2012.  ¿Cuál fue la decisión del tribunal emitida el 16 de Julio de 2021?  Un juez federal del estado de Texas, Andrew Hanen, estuvo de acuerdo con el estado de Texas y otros estados que iniciaron el caso. Encontró […]

Texas Court Decision on DACA: Frequently Asked Questions (7/19/2021)

This fact sheet was updated on July 28, 2021. What was being challenged in this case?  The State of Texas and several other states argued that President Obama did not properly follow the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) when he created DACA in 2012.   What was the court’s decision issued on July 16, 2021?  Judge Andrew Hanen, a federal […]

A Pathway to Citizenship for Immigrant Essential Workers 

July 15, 2021 – This week, Democrats in the U.S. Senate announced that a pathway to citizenship would be included in the upcoming budget reconciliation package. On Friday, July 16, at 2:00 p.m. Senator Smith, Unidos MN, the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM), the Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL), and other organizations will […]