Perspectives: Writers on Migration – What We Hunger For

On May 20, at 7:00pm we spoke with Sun Yung Shin, editor of the new anthology What We Hunger For: Refugee & Immigrant Stories About Food and Family, and Roy G. Guzmán and Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay, two of the anthology’s contributors. We discussed their complicated, poignant, funny, difficult, joyful, and ongoing relationships to food, cooking, and eating. Reserve your copy of What We Hunger For at […]

COVID-19 Mobile Vaccination Unit Project: Frequently Asked Questions

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Metro Transit, the Metropolitan Council, and Minnesota Department of Transportation are partnering to bring mobile vaccination units to communities throughout the state of Minnesota. This provides an opportunity to create a more equitable distribution of vaccines, prioritize vulnerable and underserved communities, and […]

Biden Breaks Promise to Refugees

April 16, 2021— President Biden today reversed his promise, made publicly and in a message to Congress, to increase refugee admissions this year to 62,500. This action closes the door to refugees who have been waiting for years to come to safety in the United States. “President Biden just slammed the door on refugees,” said […]

ILCM Supports the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021

Most undocumented immigrants in the United States have lived here for more than 10 years. Some are young Dreamers, others have lived here for decades with Temporary Protected Status. Millions are essential workers, who have protected and supported the entire country during the pandemic. Current law gives them no path to citizenship, no “line” to […]

Justice for Daunte Wright

We are devastated and outraged by the murder of Daunte Wright. Our thoughts are with Daunte’s family, friends, and community.  We continue to work every day for justice for all – regardless of skin color, immigration status, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, or ability. All people have a right to feel safe going about their day […]