Tell Congress: Act Now for Pathway to Citizenship

On January 20, Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States. Within hours, he signed six executive orders reversing anti-immigrant policies, and announced he would send to Congress a bill that would modernize our immigration system, prioritize keeping families together, and create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and an […]

January 2021 Staff Updates

ILCM is excited to welcome 19 new interns, volunteers, and team members! Among them:  Femi Akindumila is a Capitol Pathways intern who will be working with our Executive Director Veena Iyer on advocacy this spring semester. Femi is a junior at the University of Minnesota and grew up in Brooklyn Center.    Josie Allaire starts her AmeriCorps […]

A Very Good Beginning – President Biden’s First Day Immigration Actions  

January 21, 2021—Yesterday evening, President Biden signed six executive orders directly relating to U.S. immigration laws. These executive actions reverse  the Trump Administration’s 2020 U.S. Census executive order, end the Muslim travel bans, rescind the 2017 interior enforcement executive action, stop of the U.S.-Mexico border wall construction, renew the Liberian Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) program, […]

Vaccine Talking Points – Spanish / Puntos de Conversación

UPDATED 1/13/2021 – ACTUALIZADOS 13/1/2021 ¿Que es la vacuna contra el COVID-19? La vacuna del COVID-19 es una inyección que se administra para evitar que una persona se enferme con la enfermedad del COVID-19. Hasta ahora, hay dos vacunas aprobadas para uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos: Pfizer y Moderna. ¿Cuantas vacunas se están […]

How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Made

12/21/2020 The first COVID-19 vaccines have come out within a year of the COVID-19 virus being discovered. There are many questions about how a vaccine could be created so quickly. With help from the federal government, the process was able to happen faster and more efficiently. It is important to know that steps to check […]

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Extended!

On December 9, the Trump administration obeyed a court order and extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for nationals of El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan through October 4, 2021. This status had been set to expire on January 4, 2021, leaving hundreds of thousands of TPS holders vulnerable to deportation. With their status […]