Vaccine Planning and Distribution Key Messages: MDH

    Updated 12.08.2020 High level key messages There are three principles that will guide our distribution of the vaccine. Immunize for impact, and maximizing immediate health benefit, reduce death and serious illness, and minimize the harm created by COVID-19 Equitable distribution and access, making sure no procedural or structural issues impact access to the […]

Updated Quarantine Guidance: Minnesota Department of Health

For months, CDC had recommended a quarantine period of 14 days for people exposed to someone with COVID-19, also known as close contacts. Quarantine is one of several public health tools used to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 to others. This guidance was based on evidence showing that close contacts can develop a COVID-19 […]

Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 Testing & Treatment Coverage

Current as of 12/2/2020. Access to Testing and Treatment for People without Health Insurance Q. I do not have health insurance. Can I get a free COVID-19 test? A. Yes. There are a few ways you can get a free COVID-19 test in Minnesota: You can get free testing at a “pop-up” community testing site. […]

Action Alert: Oppose New Barriers to Citizenship!

The Trump administration announced a new version of the citizenship test that is longer and more difficult than the previous version. Some of the new questions would require a higher level of English comprehension and some have been changed in a political way. The number of study questions has increased from 100 to 128. The […]

Support Minneapolis Representation for Immigrants

Minneapolis committed $75,000 in its 2020 budget to support legal services for Minneapolis residents detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A coalition of legal assistance organizations, including ILCM, provided consultation and representation to immigration detainees under that grant. The partnership between Minneapolis city government and non-profit legal assistance providers is a model for public-private […]

Call to Stop Cameroonian Deportations!

Over 100 Cameroonians have been deported over the past couple of weeks. They were immediately taken into custody by Cameroonian security forces and many have not been heard from since. Before the first wave of deportation, the Cameroon American Council (CAC) + partners filed a complaint on behalf of eight Cameroonians who had been detained […]

Public Charge Rule Overturned

UPDATE 11/05/2020—The 7th Circuit federal appeals court has put the November 2 district court ruling on hold, as the government appeals. That means the on-again, off-again public charge rule is on again, at least until the next court ruling. November 2, 2020 – This morning the federal district court for the Northern District of Illinois overturned […]

Action Alert: Oppose Restrictions on Family Visas!

The Department of Homeland Security published proposed changes to the affidavit of support regulations on Oct. 2, 2020. These changes would greatly increase the paperwork and expense in applying for a family visa. Among the proposed changes  are requirements that family members sponsors provide: Credit history and credit scores; Specific bank account information; Three years […]