2020 Perspectives: Writers on Migration Premiere

THANK YOU to everyone who made our October 8, 2020 Perspectives series premiere a success! Special thanks to Jia Lynn Yang and Ibrahim Hirsi.   On October 8, 2020, ILCM launched a new event series called “Perspectives: Writers on Migration.” The series will feature various authors whose work focuses on immigration. For our inaugural event, […]

Preguntas Frequentes sobre Seguimiento de Contacto de COVID-19

Actual a partir del 23 de octubre de 2020. ¿Qué pasa si mi prueba de COVID-18 es positivo?  Respuesta: Alguien del departamento de salud público se va comunicar con Ud.  Algún trabajador de salud que está entrenado llama a personas que según están positivos de COVID-19 para hacer preguntas de sus síntomas, como es que […]

Frequently Asked Questions: COVID-19 Contact Tracing

Current as of 10/15/20 Question. What happens if I test positive for COVID-19? Answer. Someone from a public health agency will contact you. A trained health worker calls people who test positive for COVID-19 to ask about their symptoms, how they may have been infected, and who they may have infected. They will also provide […]

Fight Efforts to End Asylum

October 21, 2020— U.S. asylum laws affirm our nation’s commitment never to repeat its failure to save thousands of Jewish refugees refused entry to the United States as they fled the Holocaust. Actions of this administration, including two new regulations, have eviscerated the U.S. asylum system. The first regulation denies asylum outright to many asylum […]

Oppose Biometrics Database! Submit a Comment!

The Department of Homeland Security has proposed a new rule that requires visa applicants and many U.S. citizens to provide extensive biometric information, including iris scans, voiceprints, palm prints, fingerprints, and facial recognition data. The law already authorizes collection of fingerprints and photographs from visa applicants. The proposed new rule would vastly expand the types […]

Fall Staff Changes

This fall ILCM welcomes four new individuals to our team and celebrates three current staff members in their new positions at ILCM. We also welcome two new volunteers to our pro bono team and welcome back four volunteers to our Community Defense team, two to our communications team, and one to our Austin office. Johan […]